What makes you immerse yourself into GZ?

The change in weather, the different night and day starts and ending. The way the machines are learning and not reacting in the same way. As setting up land mine traps at the same location and they avoid them or set them off. I truly enjoy this game as it does not get old for me. I see the February update is going live and adding some new missions. It just keeps getting better. Thank you and keep up the good work. Best game, even with the starting short comings, but the fixes worked and you still are improving.


I hope this fits the topic, but what I’d like to see is some sort of “character log”.

My idea would be:

In the log, a new tab called “characters” or similar gets added.

When you collect a mission item or collectible that mentions a character for the first time, their name gets added to the tab.
You can then select there name and get a list of every item that mentions them and you have already collected.

So for example, if you collect an item that mentions “Veronika Nilsson” and the name seems familiar to you, instead of having to search through your side and main mission in order to re-read her story, you simply select her name fron a list and you have all the info you have collected about her at your fingertips.


It´s a good Idea for the Game

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It is probably more a “quality of life” thing, but it is a good idea. You should make a feature request for it :+1:

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Oh I LOVE that idea!!!
And fits the game… perfect!

Depends, it can be seen as such, but it can be seen as ‘story/lore research’ as well…
People do make notes, in certain cases, to have a mnemonic aid.
Some actually depend on this, see doctors, police, … and military (you’re somewhat a soldier now out of necessity). :slight_smile:

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Yes, @Fraeddy’s idea is great. I have a hard time keeping track of all the details, most of which are quite subtle too. I would love to see a timeline or a “mindmap” too, but that might be a bit much to ask.

You’re right. I’m mixing up the terms here.

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You’re NOT wrong here!!!
As I said, its ALSO quality of life!!!
It can be more though, is what I am saying :wink:

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What’s wrong with asking @Flick??? She knows everything.


She does indeed! But where is she? Kind of miss her sharp postings … ping @Flick

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Excuse me?
You sure can, I won’t stop you, if that is what you mean?
I like her.
I like actually everyone. :slight_smile:
Even if we do not agree… at all… :smiley:
You’re all still my friends. :slight_smile:


Joke Xogger. :smile: You’ll just have to learn how to spot them…! After all, you can spot a Hunter at 400 metres. :joy:


Jokes are harder to spot, sir… :slight_smile:

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I accept that they dont move so much as Hunters…

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It was a joke, @Xogroroth, and a good one too :smile: Doesn’t mean that you were wrong at all my friend :wink:

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@Bootie @IanForce
Sure, make fun of me!!!


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It shows… I am as bright as a black hole! LMAO

Xogger, you are as bright as a button, and we all know it. If we tease you it is because we are your friends. That’s what friends do. That’s what friends are for. This is called affection and it is generally considered “A Good Thing”… :grin:


I can dig it, my friend, really.
Actually, if it is a good one… I VERY much appreciate it! :slight_smile:

As the Joker said: why so serious? :wink:

I often make a joke at my expense, btw. :wink:

Hi @Zesiir, please stop this off-topic nonsense before @Bootie makes me cry. I’m a sentimental guy and I can’t handle all these feelings :joy:


Sentimental… you demonic possessed botslayer, you… :stuck_out_tongue:

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