What to keep, what to drop

Contradictory, sir, I was merely stating it can be done.
I never said, it would be easy, either, sir.
My apologies if it seemed that I wanted to contradict you for the purpose of mere contradicting you.
That was not the intention…

No PS4 just PC mate.

I was going to offer assistance with free ammo and some guidance, but I´m on PS4.
Can´t help you then :wink:

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All good thanks :smiley:, we like roughing it - Just don’t like the “inventory game” slowing us down but we’re getting there. Just upgraded my Carry Capacity and that does help quite a bit.

Each Region has a command bunker, after the bunker is cleared, it´s one of the best places to replenish supplies.
The Archipelago is also another good place to replenish.

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i just started and looked for your psn name says 0 players Mr_A1992 mine is PaC-_-MaN1988

Just a heads up. This post is a few years old brother. He may not play anymore, or he could have a different PSN handle. Welcome to the forums, and the game!


okay thank you I_Am_Not_A_Robot

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He was right, its old and some people dont play anymore
I actually play…but not much GZ ,these days, mostly other games when I have time, and that is not my PSN user name, just forum Name.