What would you like in gen zero?

If I got to put something into the game it would probably be a music player that people around you can hear that plays music from the time period. I think it would be cool to have something to listen to while exploring in the down time also it could be used as a add on to gameplay like you start with ten songs but get 2 more song per mix tape you collect. It could be a walkman on the character or if you have a boom box in the inventory it could play music in a area also maybe be used to attract and focus robots to a single player it could be used strategically if you have a player play music and dodge the bullets of the robot(s) while the players with better guns shoot at it. Again just a thought and would love if you also shared a feature you would like in the game. edit:grammar


That’s a hilarious idea using it as a player decoy, to add to that you could then “cook” radios the same way you do with grenades, so if the walkman thing doesn’t happen you could still do the decoy idea.
and i really want to see flying hunters, give em’ jet packs or something. :smiley:

I would love to see a street wise based specialty. One where you move faster, can climb and ledge properly, even as an end of tree perk where you can eventually run up walls or use robot parts to make disguises that hold up against suspicion from far away

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Machine-guns (the KSP m/58 at least) and usable bipods for the weapons that have them IRL. :wink:
A stash inventory system and HEAT rounds for the recoilless grenade-rifle.
And maybe rideable bicycles that will only go faster than running if you’re on roads with it (not off-road) :stuck_out_tongue:
Cars or other engine based vehicles would just be stupid in the situation your character is in and so it would totally break the story narrative and fly in the face of common sense logic.

Welcome to the forum btw :smiley:


In a game like this wich prompt you to explore the areas, there is no room for bugs that, if you do something in the wrong order, bugs out the mission and make it impossible to proceed.
So, a straightforward answere to your title would be:

Less bugs