What would you like to see in the next revamp?

I Thought I would make this topic to show the Devs what some people want in the next revamp as I saw a few people a little less happy about all the farmlands destruction… Personally I want to see more places like the castle ruins in the archipelago and maybe even things like a blown up frigate in Ostervick bay… What sort of things do you want to see?


I would like to see more challenging missions, running around the map without a specific purpose is a bit boring.


I’m a big fan of environmental storytelling, so adding the smaller details to places off the main road makes me a happy camper. Like the lived-in feeling of the archipelago houses, the campsites, hidden stashes etc.
I’d love to see more small stashes around the countryside - some hidden crates with food, ammo, meds, maybe some books and letters - stuff you’d likely find after local stay-behind troops have left the area. Think geocaching, but with paper maps or described in some documents. Would be fun to sneak out at night, evading patrols, to claim some rare loot.


While I’m at it - I’d like to see machines and the environment react more to light. It’d be great if turning off (or shooting at) light sources would work everywhere, and it’d actually impact your stealth, making it harder for machines to spot you.
Running around in total darkness -> only thermal/night vision-equipped machines can actually track you.
Turning on your flashlight, running on the road, riding the bike, standing in well-lit areas -> machines spot you from miles away, and will come to kill you.


I basically like more mystery, with things in the game world that can be discovered. Like puzzle-type exploration tasks, with clues, letters. More hidden locations (like the caves). And more ancient culture stuff. New challenges. Easter eggs etc.


Moar mystery / paranormal / horror stuff! Fight me!


I’m loving these ideas I hope the Devs read this topic and add a few of these or ponder on applying them somewhere!

Just had another thought of maybe having a like governor or something of Ostertorn’s house somewhere. The military wouldn’t have controlled everything

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  • Repeatable missions that respawn hordes of enemies.

  • Underground caves swarming with dense hunter/runner spawns.

  • Destructible cover, such as houses blowing up if you use as cover. (exiting game and coming back, respawns buildings) Imagine the Reaper going off in the middle of a town!

  • Expiremental Moeller with burst fire,… yea what? Sue me,…


…and 250-round drum magazine… :rofl:

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Yeah Boi we need deez In the game! the moller submachine pistol

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I would like a little less outright pure destruction. Some is fine, but I preferred the mysterious feel of everyone disappearing without a trace. Also, the FNIX rising update really messed up the south coast region for me… It feels less believable, all I think of is aliens, not realistic machines I don’t want anymore of the noisy “alien power-lines” or hive-like structures.


And don’t hate me for this, but the ability to hot-wire some of the old cars and vans would be pretty darn awesome. I’m fine with the consequences of making a truck load of noise (lol). Let the machines come, I welcome the fight! It could make use of some of the gas stations around the island, and if the machines shot at the car long enough, it could blow up. I think if it was balanced enough, it could be a great addition to GZ.

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I think the destruction is not that bad, what is worst is the existence of so many Fnix outposts, it really looks like an “Infection” and disrupts the Game environment feel.
I believe these Outposts should be fewer in number, better guarded and be as big as the biggest ones we´ve seen.
Having a few big outposts instead of many small outposts with almost no practical function, makes more sense and would not “Infect” so much the game environment.

So basically:

  • Less and better Fnix Outposts
  • Keep updating the regions
  • Keep the destruction but don´t destroy all Towns
  • Populate the occupied towns with some Machines

No one will hate you :wink:
But having in consideration that the cars explode with just some shots…does not look like a good idea.
I think the devs also seem to not like that idea, but at least some other type of transport could be integrated into the game, maybe all terrain and faster bikes?


@Mr_A1992 Thanks :sweat_smile: I just know some people seem to be pretty anti-vehicle on here. And as to the cars exploding upon being shot, I mean after a lot of bullets. The addition of tires being able to get shot-out could balance it further.

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Agree, at least the part about the flashlight attracting the machines should be brought to the game, although maybe not from a mile away :wink:


I´m anti vehicle here :sweat_smile:, it would make the game smaller and the game would never be the same.
But bikes are too slow and only fit for road.


@Mr_A1992 I respect that. :wink: