When should I do the DLC?

…to get the best, coherent story? Should I finish the main campaign first, and then do them? Or are they best done before I finish the main story?
Or doesn’t it matter at all?

If you want to follow the story, Finish the main Campaign, then move to Alpine Unrest, and then Fnix Rising.
At least that is my Opinion.


I agree the actual GZ timeline shows most of November and December as the main game, late December early January as alpine unrest and early Feb as FNIX rising

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Actually, the vanilla game takes place at November 12th, 1989; Alpine Unrest takes place at December 10th, 1989 and FNIX Rising takes place late December, between 26th and 29th, 1989.

Oh really? Huh I thought somewhere it said it was January or something in the game now

My source (spoiler warning): Generation Zero story timeline

Alright, now I know. Thanks guys.

With question answered, i’ll lock this topic. :lock:
