Where have all the runner gone - and is there a

difference between runners appearing with harvesters and runners appearing with tanks?
For me on PS4 it seems as runners guarding tanks are not disappearing, while the combination
runner/harvester will make the first runner and the third dissapear. What are your experiences.
And what about havin just five more levels for us poor single players - I want to have more skills, please.

Tanks do not have a dedicated runner escort.

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Thought so to - then I must have some kind of bug. Because yesterday harvesters and tanks had both a 3 runner escort. And there where no other machines around. Thats why I was asking - because I was wondering.

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Harvesters’ escort is one runner plus one more per class. Prototypes get two, military three and FNIX four.

The disappearing runners bug only affects the harvester escort. There are other glitches affecting robots disappearing, falling through the floor, floating into space, vanishing from the client only, teleporting or appearing out of nowhere, but those issues only affect single machines, not a whole group.

If you lost the escort then you’ve killed one of them, and then broken your line of sight to the body about 20 seconds later. I’m thinking that was singleplayer, too.

Thank you - and yes it is in single player mode. Your 3D-Models are really great. But I still do not know where this runner escorted tank came from.

Different machines have different patrol paths and interests. Sometimes they happen to bunch up and hang out together. Your tank picking up pets is just coincidence. The patrol routes can be very long, and given the terrain sometimes you’ll come across things like this:

I think they were walking single file to hide their numbers.

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Ah, now I see. Thank you - of course, never thougt about this aspect. What means it can happen a couple of times again.