Where is your Companion? NOW! (Poll)

Oh? Why is that? :dizzy_face: Can you explain this?

That’s the only reason.
Although it’s possible to drop the companion to the plundra, I guess it’s not really intended. You can only have one companion per character, but all characters share the same plundra.
Dropping a companion to the plundra and picking it up with an other character may cause issues like totally losing the companion for at least one character.

As updates may change parts of systems in the background it is possible that it may cause issues when using unintended (but possible) features.

If the devs fix that it’s possible to drop the companion to the plundra by disabling this ability, it could also have the effect that it isn’t possible any more to move it back from the plundra to the inventory. In that case the companion would be lost, too.


Thank you for explaining Madchaser!

Sorry guys for being too subtle.
I was trying not to break my NDA as a Beta Tester.

Hopefully, they are making a hot fix for the Companion stuck in the Plundra bug.


Too inefficient for combat operations. In battle, it’s in the ditch after a few minutes and has to be repaired while FNIX or the Soviets kick me in the back. But then I have no time for the tin can. It costs resources again and should force me to grind. Nah!

But sometimes useful as a pack mule.

I guess it depends on the situations and the used armor.

In some battles it was very helpful yesterday, at least as durable distraction, in others I had to repair it too often, for example because a harvester rival made frequent one-shot-kills on my companion.

Two things I just noticed since the update:

  • There were many (3 or 4 times) situations where I was pushed or thrown away or into the sky by my companion.
  • in marden command Bunker the companion shot wildly around and destroyed the whole interior, as if there would be machines just above the warboard room in the ground.

Went afk in one of my resistence bases a bit north… Stupid idea!

In the 4-5min I was away that base was turned to smoking ruins and I was downed after “It” apperently found it to be a good idea to send some HEDP’s after a Firebird. :man_facepalming:

Leason learned - Never go afk with your companion loose!


wait wait wait can you actually designate targets for the lil guy now, instead of just crying havoc and throwing him down to do whatever?? is it with the new waypoint action (“G” by default on PC, idk what it’s actually called)?

Yes, you can do that since the community requests Update.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Can’t pull companion out of storage box