Platform: XB1, PS4 or PC - which Platform you were on when you experienced the issue
Description: Brief summary of the issue, insure to include specifics such as coordinates, quest names, enemies etc…
Steps To Reproduce: What steps did you take to get the issue? Can you follow these steps again and reliably get the issue again?
Images / Videos: Any screenshots or videos of issue you encountered
Host or Client: Were you hosting a multiplayer game? Or did you join somebody else session?
Players in your game: How many other players were in your game?
Specifications: What are the hardware specs of your PC or which XBox, PS4 console were you playing on? If you’re playing on PC, make sure the necessary drivers are updated.
Template post (just copy/paste this and fill the blanks);
I played all day Monday with no problems. Today game just stays at the black loading screen and never loads until i did a hard reset. Had to do this 3 times in last week. Today the game keeps freezing and crashing randomly. Done it 4 times in two hours. Very frustrating!
Steps To Reproduce:
Images / Videos:
Host or Client:
**Players in your game:**just me
Specifications: Xbox One S