Wierd game behaviour

Platform: Playstation 5

Description: several inconsistent game behaviour cases.

  1. Completed several level 3 base assults. No experimental weapon received, I know it is RNG however after doing 30 base assults, I would have expected atleast one.
  2. Almost impossible to obtain 5 crown version of base game weapons by defeting machines. Almost always it is DLC weapons.
  3. Completed a Level 3 base assault but this base did not have any machine spawners and only 4 FNIX Runners as adversaries. It did have a Tyrant spawning hatch though which worked as it should.
  4. Some control points e.g. Sjölimten is never taken over by FNIX. I had abandoned this CP after completing Home base mission. Now character is level 37 and yet the base is unclaimed, other CPs have cycled through take over and subsequent liberation as normal.

Steps To Reproduce: Started a new save after earlier save file was corrupted and not recognized by console after having to accept T&C updates and no “continue” option in start screen.

Images / Videos: None. Just play the game as usual.

Host or Client: Host. Solo play.

Players in your game: One

Specifications Playstation 5