Woodcutter still doesn't complete

Hey! I’ve been trying to finish Woodcutter for months. It doesn’t even list as a side mission anymore and can’t be started at the initial location, either. Thankfully, the key can now be picked up from the car, but it’s still impossible to complete a mission that now can’t be activated. Thanks for your help!

Thanks for the report. What platform are you on? I’ve recently started anew on PC so I need to go and check this one out myself… It starts at Granhygget, right?

I just wanted to say that I completed this on PC, it started at the lumber camp at Granygget, yes. I had some issues at the Berredskapsforrad industrial plant in that I couldn’t find one item but then for some reason the mission updated and completed when I’d killed all the machines at the industry. It was a while back and details are hazy but at the time I thought it felt buggy.

Xbox One! Thanks and yes.

I did this mission today. Picked it up from the truck at Granhygget, then went to the sawmill. Found the key inside the car, unlocked the door without problems. Found the shotgun at it’s usual place behind the logs…

I’m not sure why you can’t pick the mission up, though. It should be a regular world mission with no pre-requirements :thinking: