Worst robot enemies?

Hate was just a figure of speech here. Obviously.

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Thank you man, so exactly as peg said, it’s just for the sake of not being redundant and maybe to add a bit of hyperbole to it all. :grin:

Actually you can take their grenade launcher and flamethrower, but their health will be really low after that (if they are still standing).

That’s what I was trying to say.

  1. You see the red laser beam aiming you. Take cover, move. Smoke grenade helps to block line of sight, throw it between you and and that missile dog line of fire.

  2. You hear loading sound when Hunter prepares to fire its weapon. Move to cover, dont stay open or out of cover.
    Gas launcher i try to shoot the launcher of from the Hunter quickly as i can to limit amount of gas rounds they can shoot. This weapon dont have warning or sound. Only after it has been fired the small amount of time when gas round is flying.

  3. Ticks are just fun pets, harmless little creatures. Easily dispatched with side arm, or main weapons. Flares work wonders and even make them to attack their own master. And sticky flares makes it even better.

  4. These are somewhat dangerous from close distance, watch them and dont let them come too close. Flares/Fireworks gives you breathing room and time to get distance. Or destroy them.

  5. These are dangerous when they have Runners and Hunters helping them, but alone they are quite easy prey, with new exp. weapons.

*. Dont forget set up traps for robots, lure them into places where you want to easy picking. Or avoid fight when its not needed.
**. Flares / fireworks are your ultimate distracting tool, and can be found plentiful amounts around. Use them.

Adapt to the situation, learn new tactics, and you will become ultimate robot hunter in Sweden. There are lots of good discussion of tactics in these forums. Lots of tactics, tips and tricks to help you.

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This thread seems to confuse some. We are not asking for help or expressing our helplessness here. We are posting which robots we “despise” most because they are a tough nut to crack when encountered in the wild. Sometimes we like to express that. That is all.

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Useful tips and all but I’m ok. I like the fact that I need to pick and chose my battles.

Tanks can be a nightmare. One single isolated unit is vulnerable. But the other day when I was doing the smuggler mission up in the Swamplands Region, I actually encountered four (!) FNIX Tanks that were patrolling the same small area. With the added risk of nearby enemies joining the fray, I chose to abandon my plans for that mission and return at a later time.

I don’t mind that at all. At times when you encounter overwhelming odds, you need to pull back and rethink your options. Felt pretty nice to see a threat like that :slight_smile:

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Good point, makes the whole thing feel authentic. Imagine 4 apo hunters join the party in case you thought “Challenge accepted”.

I hate ticks like I get so mad at the tanks that just make them.


For the original question, none of the robots annoy me.

Now I’m finding civvies lying dead, all the machines annoy me - now it’s personal. Now they’ve hacked me off: now they reap the whirlwind. All going their way, wasn’t it, until I showed up. Chummy is right to be scared of me - I’ll find the prat, and then he’s toast. Meanwhile I can feel the need from some scrap metal coming on. I love the way they twitch