[XB1] Missions bugged

Platform: XB1(X)

Description: To the Lighthouse did not complete for me. The Lighthouse mission tells me to destroy the enemies around the house. I did lots of times, but nothing happens. Maybe it got bugged, because I already went into the house and took the journal before the mission was unlocked/started.

Flying Blind. I opened the inner storage with lock pick instead of the key and now the mission doesn’t complete. When I return to the spot, the outside stage door is locked again and I can’t reopen it, as the generator does nothing anymore.

Behind the Curtain (so sad about that one). The big door, which you need to open using the Russian key card scans, but denies my request and does not open. I heard that it is a first door and the door that is supposed to be opened by my keycard is behind that door. Another player in my game picked up the previous keycard and it does not show up again.

Steps To Reproduce: Every time I go to the mission location, the same problem persists.

Host or Client: I was either alone or hosting.

Players in your game: None or one (besides me)

Specifications: Xbox One X

The problems with all my bugged missions remain after the 17-4 patch. Getting frustrated by this!

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You mentioned you broke ‘To the Lighthouse’ by grabbing the journal before unlocking/starting the mission. How did you get in the door? Did the key spawn or did you pick the lock on the door?

The containers with the fuel you need to destroy are trolleys with fuel tanks. There are 4 or 5 trolleys and then the containers

The key spawned. So I opened the door normally.

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I’ll try again. Thank you for the tip.

Edit: I completed the Old Guard now, so that one was only bugged because of the robots not spawning correctly.

Cheers, mate. Thanks for responding. I appreciate it.

Two more bugged missions I guess:

Flying Blind. I opened the inner storage with lock pick instead of the key and now the mission doesn’t complete.

Behind the Curtain (so sad about that one). The big door, which you need to open using the Russian key card scans, but denies my request and does not open. Bugged or is there something else to it?

I’m having an issue with the scan not working for me either n behind the curtain, but mine is on the second door, I think mine messed up when I jumped off the bridge between the 2 scanning doors in that bunker

Are you on Xbox too? Maybe we could help each other?

I got a way around for Behind to curtain. I joined a friends game and we completed all the missions leading up to it and I picked up the key card in his game and we went back to my game and were able to complete it that way.

I figured that would be the case and was going to test it next weekend when I have a friend get the game. Thanks for the update segasen!