XBOX ONE Collectables (do not appear)

consola xbox one, algunos coleccionables no aparecen, e reiniciado el juego, e apagado la consola, e puesto el juego solo por invitacion, me e unido a otros jugadores, todo esto hecho para ver si aparecen los coleccionables y ni a si aparecen los coleccionables


Xbox one console, some collectibles do not appear, and restarted the game, and turned off the console, and put the game only by invitation, I and joined other players, all this done to see if the collectibles appear and or if the collectibles appear console Xbox one, some collectibles do not appear, and restarted the game, and turned off the console, and put the game only by invitation, I and joined other players, all this done to see if the collectibles appear and or if the collectibles appear

Google traducido:

Si es posible, sería mejor utilizar la traducción al inglés de Google si es necesario.

Esto puede deberse a no poseer los DLC que agregaron estos coleccionables. Si no posee el DLC que los agrega, no aparecerá para usted. También sería bueno si pudieras enumerar los objetos de colección que te faltan.

Google translated:

If it is possible it would be best to use English, google translation if needed.

This may be due to not owning the DLC’s that added these collectibles. If you do not own the DLC that adds them it will not appear for you. It would be also be good if you could list what collectibles you are missing.

I don’t make a habit of translating but this time I’ll make an exception since it’s a bug report.

Please keep in mind that the forums are english only in the future.


Xbox One
The Signs of a Resistance Collectable (Make the Machines Go Boom) at 2465, -1509 did not appear in garage.
I’ve deleted and redownloaded game. Deleted local save game file but prob still persists.
Single player



This one?

yup, that exact one. I went to the 3 garages in that town that actually open and nothing.

You are missing the last one according the picture of the collectables, and that is not the one in Lerberget, but north of FĂĄrhult.

The one I’m missing is “Make the machines go boom”, and is suppose to be in this location. It’s the only AND last one I need. I have the following…Wall Trembling Sounds, Glaring into a forest, Purified water, You will find us, Still Family, Anything you need, We promised them protection, Protect the civilians, and Lie Low.

I stand corrected. It was given wrong co-ordinates. I apologize.

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