You guys really need to hire console QA specialists

Holy cow the console port is absolutely terrible, badly optimized. It’s literally unplayable with the constant random crashing and massive frame drops.

Last but not least you should always mention your system. Just complaining about crashes and other issues isn’t helpful for the devs, as every system may behave different.

Yes, there are some framedrops since skyfire update for me in heavy situations, too. But I didn’t have any crashes since the community requests update.

That’s on my safegame on my PS5.
Others with PS5 may have other issues.
Some issues may happen more often or even exclusively with PS4 or xb1.

For PCs it’s even more difficult, as even a strong PC may have issues that other with weaker systems don’t have, just because it’s an AMD or because of a certain driver or what else.

All these infos can help the devs to figure out the issues, to make them repeatable and to finally solve them.

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