A case for vehicles Megathread (collective feature topic)

Funny, I know a lot of people who are glad that the devs didn’t put cars into the game and use the development time for more game-related things. Nobody I talked to outside the forum agreed to having drivable cars would be a good thing.

How would you armor a car? Do you need a forge for that, requiring a lot of steel? The whole “armouring a standard car” mechanic would need to be implemented from scratch. And with the generous but limited carrying capacity this might become quite a problem. (I’m already hearing the cries for an even larger carrying capacity.)

The suspensions of regular cars are not designed to carry a lot of weight. Usually the cars weight plus about 400-500kg is the maximum. With the driver weighing about 70-80kg plus the 96kg in the backpack this reduces the amount the suspensions can lift to quite a small value.

Of course there are specialized companies who build armoured cars which can withstand quite an attack. But they are still not impenetrable. And I wouldn’t dare giving a teenager credit to build such a car. But then one can build ammo after collecting the blueprint for it.

:thinking: sounds to me you’re talking about GZ (although the bugs decreased over time, there are still a lot present).

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Why take a lot of things in transport if your plundra box is full and you don’t need anything ?? Why transport at all, if there is a quick teleport to any point on the map ?? and why do we need cars if most of the interesting places on the map do not have a road ?? I think the topic is useless at all) sorry


Some very very good points, well made here community - I’ve re-read it a few times, but still can’t get my head around why you would need a motorised vehicle. That said - who knows what may come in time :red_car: :motor_scooter:

However, to keep this interesting in the interim - what vehicles would you suggest - and would you be able to hold all 4 players in it simultaneously firing weapons during at battle…

Allright, f**k it. I want a «Spark»
Fast as hell and has no brakes. Aim for the nearest bot and jump off right before impact! :boom:

And I just realized, you can even leave your co-op buddy on the seat for increased velocity and impact. Just give him an adrenaline shot for the trip and watch him go! :joy:


:joy: that’s a good one!

With the Hacker specialization the player could aquire some runners to help with the sledge.



I give you the Opel Kadett C. Produced from ‘62-‘91, imported to Sweden in the late 70s early 80s.

4 door to fit the crew - visually looks time correct. Defiantly enough room in the boot for a storage facility, good visibility from inside.

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Then, GZ isn’t the game for them, if all they look for in a game, is ability to drive vehicles.

The added fuel cost due to the weight of the armor would make any armored vehicle very inefficient. Not to mention their slow speed, again, due to the weight of the armor.

In-game example (spoiler)

Just look at Calle’s truck. It has the capacity to carry the extra armor and power to move the whole thing as well but at max, it is driving at walking speeds, since truck’s engine isn’t capable of more. Car’s engine is even less powerful (less torque), where getting even going would be miracle with all that armor.

Sounds a lot like State of Decay 2. Of course, SoD2 has completely different gameplay than GZ.


The ATVs are as clumsy as the bikes, but they do work. Small branch? Get tossed to the sky!

I do like the fact of loading something with propane and baiting a machine to it and BOOM! :boom:

…and the ATV in TH:COTW is only a means to exploring each map quicker, or getting from A to B.

It’s about 0% fun to drive.

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Oh I know, I play the game. Just saying for uses in this game, like I said,…BOOM! :slight_smile:
(seeing you don’t blow yourself up on a pebble 1st) :rofl:

I know, I play it too. :wink:

Anyways, vote no to motorized vehicles in GZ!
Vote yes to my idea!

But it only really works in one area :confused:

So kicksleds on the island and demo derby cars in other area?

(could you imagine the air time on a fast loaded sled vs a pebble!)

image https://forum.generationzero.com/u/knobitobi
“Funny, I know a lot of people who are glad that the devs didn’t put cars into the game and use the development time for more game-related things. Nobody I talked to outside the forum agreed to having drivable cars would be a good thing.”

We both brought sircumstantial evidene into it again. Sorry, I started that one. But since were on the topic of circumstancial evidence, When talking to your dudes, did you ask them about specificaly using cars for one thing, (such as combat) or did you just say, “what do you think of cars,” and they gave you their general opinion?

I know how suspensions work. However…
Calles Truck could do it just fine. And that appeared to be just an augmented delivery/box truck.

Also, during the missions when you had to gather materials for Calles truck, when you cme to the truck, it was not at all difficult to put on. So saying that you would need a forge is an understandable question, but you wouldnt nessisarilly need a forge. However, to be fair, welding may come into play. But again, although welding was brought up in dialouge for that mission, it wasnt a massive project.

I’m quite sure his suggestion was an attempt to be a troll.

That would add to the usefullness of gas tanks. Plus, it would make you be more careful with how you use your reasourses.
Also, you could add an armor VS weight ratio, so sfter a certain threshold, you start sacrifising more and more exceleration and speed in general.

I agree that armoring a standard car would be quite a bad idea. It’s done in real combat zones, but it’s just complicating things more than they’d need to be.

For “armored car”, we need to look no further than the KP-bil, or literally “Armored body car”, a WWII vehicle which received a final upgrade in the 80’s.

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Lookin good. Thats looks like a worthwhile addition to the game, with out the hassle of having to program a whole new car armory system.

I tried to ride such a “Spark” at 3915, -880 (HI) there is one there. Pushing it off the mountain is not hard, but getting on it while it moves. :boom:

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Wait, is there really one in the game? I gotta go look for that! :blush:

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