Admiralgamer's Generation zero Challenges!

Name: Boo!
Task: In the town of Boo, Ambush some machines with melee weapons and traps. Kill them all before they are alerted. If any enter combat you will have failed (Unless it says won combat like 10 seconds after) anyway enjoy.

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I’m not really good enough to complete most of these but your ideas are worthwhile and good to hear. :+1:t3:


Well I guess I can close up shop now since we have the new daily challenges coming :sweat_smile: I hope the new offical challenges are as fun as these!

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Name: Macgyver Challenge.
Players: 1-4
Task: beat game without a gun and/or melee weapon. Nothing in inventory except health packs. Everything else must be picked up only when needed and dropped when not. Have fun!!!

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I thought of a challenge and I needed something to do so:
Name: The Old
Players: 1-4
Task: Start a new Character and go back to the beginning of the game with nothing and role play through the missions. To bring us back to the old steath, sneak and fear. Use only a maximum of green weapons and No skill points can be used!
(If you also want an extra immersion only use safe houses you have walked to )


I would like this challenge to a certain degree (with some modifications like allowing 3* guns/accessories as well), but the biggest challenge here is the map revamp - before, we could sneak from house to house, now many houses are destroyed, burning, inaccessible, it is complicated sometimes to find a proper shelter. And before we did not have rivals (how much does it take to kill L4 rival with 2* guns?), we did not have Apo class, we did not have harvs calling 1-4 hunters…

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Been a real long time since I started this but since I started a new GZ game with 2 friends and some rules I thought I might as well post them here in case anyone wants to try them for their own game.
(Recommended for multiplayer gameplay with people you know)