Adrenaline trade

Dose anyone on ps4 have a secret stash of adrenaline shots? Because I am in need of many and I have lots of rubber, aluminum, some cement, steel, and adhesive I don’t know if anyone would find that useful but if you would like to make a trade just reply

If you join the Discord there might be people who have some there that might not be active here. Hope you find some :+1:

Try just to carry 2 adrenaline in your backpack.
You will find a lot more then from loot.
Everything you have more than 2 you should throw into your plundra and keep on hunting just with the two ones.

Additionally try to improve your playstyle. Something seems to go wrong if you die too often.

And don’t just always use adrenaline. If you’re close to a safehouse, you could respawn there instead of spending a shot.

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try [Trading Community Thread] you might find what you need there