Description: Apocalypse / Military hunter mortar attack still follows players perfectly, trough walls.
Sometimes they even get into this mortar fire loop, with constant spam of mortar, like before patch Harvesters did.
Steps To Reproduce: Get into fight against these type of machines, prefed in Himjfall island DLC.
Images / Videos: None
Host or Client: Host
Players in your game: Single
Specifications: Irrelevant to bug.
This combined to apocalypse hunter mortar round going trough walls, is starting to be now extremely aggravating. Just wasted 40+ medkits just because got damaged / killed constantly in this massive fight.
Even had to call quits, what i dont easily do. Quit to main menu, just to load back to escape idiotic combat situation of because these bugs.
Also for apocalypse mortar round blast radius makes lots of buildings not good places to seek cover. Specially those ski cabins in Himjfall are bad places if you face this bombardment.
So when the hunter is in the house and it is able to fire the mortar through the roof that shows another bug with the apo hunters. Their mortar shells seem to have no obsticle detection untill it exploads and splits into the smaller cluster.
The granate is able to fly through the roof and it would als explains why they can hit you when you hide in a barn. Some said that they hide always in a house with two floors. Well that makes also sentce because the granate flyes through the roof, exploads underneath it into the cluster projectiles and they expload on the second floor ground because they have an obstical detection.
Maybe we should make a second bug report about this issue.
For better understanding of my post:
The user MarkNcheese42 posted this video:
in this thread: Apocalypse hunter's flamethrower range
There are two hunters inside the house and you can see that one is firing his mortar and the shell went through the roof.
yeah kinda annoying. I think the first carrier of the smaller grenades has no hitbox. therefore it can go through walls. or it works on a timer. But of course I am no game dev so that may be completely wrong.
Thing is, with apo hunter specifically, that this issue has been around since Alpine Unrest DLC came with November '19 update. So, it has been around for long time and i’m sure that devs know this issue. However, when it comes to the bug fix priority, issues are listed based on severity, rather than the age. That’s why this bug has remained in the game for so long, there have been more severe bugs to deal with.