Base Assault Update - Steam Hotfix

Its definitely a bug introduced when base Assault dropped last month, otherwise i imagine they wouldve stated this change since its a pretty big one to aiming.

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You can trust me when I say, that it doesn’t help console players… It’s as annoying as it is for pc players.


Never played on console so I have no clue why this mechanic would be added in for a PC player.

Once again nothing against this game beeing available for console also but since the consoles versions arrived the graphics on PC has gone full potato :frowning:

Also feels like the graphics is even worse now after the base assault + hot fix update.

Now the graphics is like my player is nearsighted :frowning:

See example:

Bo you have chromatic aberrations turned on?

I have noticed this particularly when near a downed machine. Somewhat annoying.

Is this what you’re experiencing?

I think it depends what console your playing on, the PS5 version has not been patched like the Xbox series X and S, my opinion is due to this they look and play better than the PS version, I’ve got both consoles and sadly no news of PS upgrades if any! But series X the game looks and plays great !

There even isn’t a ps5 version. Just ps4.
It looks ok, but could look even better.
On ps5 there are no problems with framerate and, for me, almost no crashes… Just sometimes, if they are related to issues with apex connect.

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Xbox also hasnt had any upgrades to graphics. All they got was a FPS boost back November. And they are pkaying on Pc, where the game for some reason suffered a downgrade in graphics no matter what graphical settings you used.

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I’ve been playing on ps4 for the last week 6 to 8 hours a day at least and not one fnix base has spawned for me. The only thing fnix related I have is the stuff that appears during story missions in the south and mobs. When is this going to be fixed?

Did you fight through forrest region, too?

Fought through every region at this point taking it to threat level at least threat 21 in ever zone and in between

Currently they’re only able to spawn in the Forest Region so you should focus your efforts there. Though right now you probably won’t have any luck, not until the hotfix comes to console.

Thank you. I’ve spent hours there today just running riot with no luck. I’m done with it until they get it fixed.

I understand, was in relation to potato graphics, I’ve not experienced that on Xbox, I have no idea why it would impact! :+1:

The game was released for consoles and PC the same day. Not at different dates.

Sorry my bad, but still I feel the graphics have gotten worse over time.
Especially the drawdistance has been nerfed, when I started playing the game in late 2019 you could spot enemies far far away, now it seems like maximum distance is 400-ish meters before enemies spawn in.

Same goes for the graphics of the objects like houses/buildings, looking in binoculars houses/trucks/objects in general is not there until you get way closer than it was before.

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On Ps4 the draw distance is sometimes less than 20m for machines. And forest region is the worst. Have a reaper there and I have problem fighting it because of that. And it’s runners sometimes vanish and suddenly is behind you and I’m dead. Or I look for it and I can’t see it until I’m standing next to it and it kills me.

Has it always been like that or did that happen after some update?

The PS4 is an archaic system, if they nerf the game for all platforms due to this it is a real shame.

From playing PS4 version for almost 2 years, the draw distance is fine and never changes but something odd i have noticed about the Forest region, both PS4 and PC, machines have the tendency to completely vanish then come back dead somehow. Base Assault update is the reason behind this as well as it was fine before hand.

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