Blueprints of apocalypse class machines

I did a pretty thorough sweep of all locations on the new island, but I haven’t found any blueprints of the apocalypse class machines.

Did anyone found them?

I found one in Muskudden. Take the doors leading out from the internal docks, go to the telemast and right there at the bottom it is. I think it was a Tick blueprint.


I found 2 of them but I couldn’t collect them.

Nope, that’s somewhere else. I’ve found the areas for three, all on the base game, no DLC.


OK, thanks :upside_down_face:

Ah good to know, thanks.

I’ve found all 4x and they are at the vanilla island.

Not sure how far are you with your vanilla collectibles but i have them all done, making the locating of new blueprints easier since 3 out of 4 are displayed on the map on the loc window as: collectible 0/1.

For narrowing search area down, here are some hints:
Apo tank blueprint: Muskudden base (Mountains)
Apo runner blueprint: Tosberga fort (South Coast)
Apo tick blueprint: lumberyard (Forest)
Apo hunter blueprint: **

** There is more to the final blueprint rather than saying where it is. Need to do some detective work since it isn’t on any of the locations who’s icon is visible on the map.

I can post further tips helping to locate Apo hunter blueprint, provided that someone else doesn’t come along and spoil it. :grin:


You did a pretty good job.

For anyone wondering where that last hunter one is, it’s in the marshlands near Nilssons Marinbygg AB. :slight_smile:

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Yes, the lonely radio mast :hugs:

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Wait, there’s blueprints of the Apoc Machines? How’d I miss this? :thinking:


Easily missed in the swath of new collectibles my dude! I made a vid of the blueprint locations on YouTube if you’d like to check it out for more detailed locations :smiley:


Can do, thanks :slight_smile:


Yup, it’s close to that.

To figure out where it is, you need to take note of the first three blueprints and their locations;

  • all are in separate region, meaning that final (4th) one is either in Marshlands or North Coast. I didn’t consider Archipelago or Farmlands since both are starter regions with mainly proto enemies, while apo enemies are late-game or even past end-game enemies.
  • first three are outside and next to a radar mast. Latter is easy to spot from far distance and thus, 4th one is also next to a radar mast.
  • since the 4th one isn’t at any of the locations with visible map icon, you need to check out unmarked radar masts.

That’s how i figured out where it could be. Also narrowing the search down considerably since not many of such radar masts in the entire game who’s icon isn’t present on the map. :smile:

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New machine blueprints are most likely all on the old area because they are available to those of us without the dlc.

The other new collectibles dont even show up in my log