Alpine Unrest - help with collectibles


It is on top of one of the mounds, lying on a rock. It’s #11.

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Thanks, found it.

Earlier, i went over those mounds several times. This time, i enabled POI icons (had them turned off since i didn’t want spoon feeding when i was doing missions) and now, i was able to spot it easily on the small rock. :smiley:

@pennywise , @Aesyle Can you tell me which mount it is, I’m putting a list together and need the co-ordinates ,thanks

Sorry, SAW, I don’t remember which one and I don’t have any notes mote exact than that. Too bad it’s not possible to just start up a new world.

From the campfire, it’s just SW, slightly towards W, less than 30m away.

The loc icon get’s into the way but co-ordinates are: 4570, -444.

I’ve screenshotted each collectible i’ve picked up, both in the pick-up range looking at it and on the map view, with cursor on me to get as close co-ordinates as possible.


Ty very much :slight_smile:

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Well done forum , collective effort :clap: this is why this forum is better than the rest .:+1:

Does anyone know if any of the DLC-collectables are placed on the main (old) island?

I already had 100% of the old collectables but since the November update one of the old locations suddenly says 0/1 Collectables.

Possible spoiler alert! That old location being:

Muskudden Port Complex

If by DLC collectables you also mean Apo blueprints, then I can confirm.

Apo robots blueprints are all at the vanilla island.

Another topic covers their locs,

@pegnose, @Aesyle

Ok thanks. I couldn’t remember if there was a collectable there or not. So I already did a quick search but I couldn’t find anything. It would be quite annoying to waste a lot of time because of a stupid bug. :slight_smile:

Btw. Spoiler/Hide tags aren’t very useful if quoted, it seems :upside_down_face:

OK, I give up. Photo 20 where are you? :wink: The nearest location would be great.

I’m missing:
Photos: 12th, 19th and 20th
Char bios: 5th and 7th

Any hints/tips on any of those?

Edit: Just found 5th bio.
At Marksätern church, back room, 1st floor, on table (2813, -712).

@Aesyle @Znurrad

Bio #7
Svante Von Ulmer
4680.7, -769.2

Photo #12
Camping ground
4436.4, -673.2

St Charlotte Church
3054.4, -782.9

Photo #20
View of Djupskäret
4138.7, -854.8

and for any other collectables they are all now listed on the wiki thanks to Queerthulhu-The Crone

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Thanks, though I was hoping for a nearby location as the hint, not the actual /loc but thats fine. I’ll probably forget the numbers in a minute anyhow… :wink:

Thanks a lot! :smile::+1:

Is there any kind person who knows where the second personal folder of the game’s characters is? Thanks :smiley:

@Mich3le If you mean the Bio’s then scroll up a few posts, all the collectables are now listed on the wiki and there is a link :slight_smile:

Thanks, I didn’t see it :+1:

Thanks again for the help, it was the last piece I missed to complete all the collectibles.