Alpine Unrest - help with collectibles

I am missing some collectibles so if anyone has input, I’d appreciate it:

Character Bios:
Missing last one

Vacation photos:
MIssing #2, #11, #20 (going from left to right, top to bottom).

If you do a search you would have found this :point_right: Here click the link thank the person who posted it :+1:

@TherotcoD Thank you for your response. If you’d read my thread start :point_right: Here you would have noticed I am not looking for audio logs. Further, if you’d read the thread you are referring to you would have noticed that I surely must be aware of it as I have posted in it. :+1:

As the focus there is audio logs, I figured there’d be no problem starting this thread.


Aye mr , you said at the top help with collectibles , the link i posted describes help with collectibles or any ‘’ info on any other ‘’, i thought it would be the place … BraiweN is saying anybody need help with collectibles , so as well as audio locations they have help with collectibles like you asked on header title, ask them mr nothing to lose cheers , ps you posted at beginning of thread his post down the bottom so wasnt sure if you read further down if you get me

Thank you for your help mr.

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Check out ‘’ True Achievement’s ‘’ youtube they have done evey collectible for Gzero so far , thanks

EDIT : but not the Alpine dlc as of yet

TherotcoD ,True Achievements do not have the collectables for the Alpine Unrest DLC. They only have the Base Game Achievement guides up.

EDIT: I added the locarions over at TrueAchievements.


@tene the youtube Gzero guy has a few help and collectibles video’s, blue prints, not sure about other collectibles , but he knows all there is to know , give him a shout on forum , or youtube ’ tenebrisinfinite ’

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Photo #2
Underneath Valklacken Lookout, follow the walkway down the cliff turn left, follow the cliff along and inside a small cave in the rock wall it’s on a mattress.
3165.095, 50.288



Thank you! Never saw that cave before.

At Torunshögarna (4572, -445) there is another photo, either 11th, 12th, 19th or 20th, since i’m missing those four. Anyone knows where that photo exactly is? I’ve combed that loc several times and can’t find the photo.

Any other info on those four is also welcome since i’d like to complete my collection.

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It is on top of one of the mounds, lying on a rock. It’s #11.

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Thanks, found it.

Earlier, i went over those mounds several times. This time, i enabled POI icons (had them turned off since i didn’t want spoon feeding when i was doing missions) and now, i was able to spot it easily on the small rock. :smiley:

@pennywise , @Aesyle Can you tell me which mount it is, I’m putting a list together and need the co-ordinates ,thanks

Sorry, SAW, I don’t remember which one and I don’t have any notes mote exact than that. Too bad it’s not possible to just start up a new world.

From the campfire, it’s just SW, slightly towards W, less than 30m away.

The loc icon get’s into the way but co-ordinates are: 4570, -444.

I’ve screenshotted each collectible i’ve picked up, both in the pick-up range looking at it and on the map view, with cursor on me to get as close co-ordinates as possible.


Ty very much :slight_smile:

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Well done forum , collective effort :clap: this is why this forum is better than the rest .:+1:

Does anyone know if any of the DLC-collectables are placed on the main (old) island?

I already had 100% of the old collectables but since the November update one of the old locations suddenly says 0/1 Collectables.

Possible spoiler alert! That old location being:

Muskudden Port Complex

If by DLC collectables you also mean Apo blueprints, then I can confirm.