Boring #^$%# Dailies

The broken dailies are getting annoying. 7 Base Assaults is arrogant, when the bases don’t get rebuilt that fast. Either that, or they really overestimate how much time we’re putting into playing.

5 point days, where two missions are worth 1 point and the last one is 3 points, and the 7 base assaults, is just the Coronation of King George.

What happened to the hunting down and killing a specific type of robot with a particular weapon. It was fun to try to kill a Wolf with a melee weapon. Doing 7 base assaults is long, repetitive, and boring. I have better things to do with my time in game, like spawning a Reaper. I’m not about to wreck my Threat rating by taking out 7 bases.

And yes, I think it’s stupid to have that mission spawn twice in one week. Not apologizing. The randomizer shouldn’t be allowed to pull that mission more than once a week. It shouldn’t even be in there, but ass some better missions in so it doesn’t come up so often. So sick of seeing it in the FMTel.

And that title is there because “Boring Dailies” is 14 characters and apparently you need an arbitrary 15 to make a thread. /smh


6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Assignments need a thorough revamp