Cannot complete Assignments since February Update

Yesterday all assignments were not working for me.
Today some are working, but some still not.
Feb 22, 2023 1pm PST
XBOX ONE single player

  • recycle 10 items worked
  • eat 4 Selma pastries worked
  • destroy 10 military class machines NOT working
  • complete a base assault with only melee weapons? Too much work to find out if it’s working or not.

Come on. How did this break? I’m trying to level up my guy. Please fix.

Complete a base assault with only melee weapons worked.


  • Recycle 10 items worked
  • base assault just with melee worked (I forgot how cool and strong the pitchfork is)
  • destroy 10 military machines just counted during base assault

Well tonight riding off a cliff worked but nothing else did unfortunately.

kill 15 ticks got one then it stopped tracking
Kill 8 tanks wont track at all

same here, system ps5, solo player: easy mission (15 ticks) & hard (8 tanks) don’t work, only the bike mission was possible

mine went to one see picture

this one stayed at 8 out of 10, I shot down at least 20 or 30 different military class machines

Killing 15 ticks during base assault worked for me. Killed ticks three before starting the base assault mission and they didn’t count at all. I also tried sniping a distant tank while base assault was active, but that didn’t count towards the goal, but maybe that was because the tank was outside of the base assault borders. I might try luring a tank within the base and see if that counts. But for now you can complete the 15 tick assignment if you kill them while the base assault mission is active.

Yip. Had the same problem today. Tasked with killing 15 ticks. Did so and none were registered.

Today only 1 of 3 tasks went, the two that didn’t work see pictures

The tick task didn’t work either

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Hello everyone! Thank you for the continued reports on this.

A possible workaround for these issues could be to complete them while inside a control point. Obviously it won’t work for all of them, but for those that can (for example killing machines during base defense) please try them out and see if they work!
This is to see if the root issue is with the assignments or with the completion circumstances. Thanks!

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just played a easy base defense and killed 3 ticks, they were tracked this time for me

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Same. Assignments not working again today, and each day since patch. Thursday 2/23 1pm PST XBOX Series X & One. Only the riding the bike off the cliff for 50 kmph works.

Yesterday I got the 10 military machines only worked in a base assault level 2 using 3D printer spawns. Didn’t work elsewhere in the world.

And the day before that, nothing worked.

Please fix this. I bought DLC and am trying to get better gear for my only character. Makes it hard to get a tank rewards if I can’t complete most of the assignments. It wasn’t broken before the Feb patch.

For now, that has been told, most assignments seem to just work around control points. So you could try some even at neutral ones or during base defenses.

There will be a fix soon, I guess.

Btw, there was a time before the assignments where there and we still were able to get better gear… just by playing the game: by killing and looting all kind of machines for example… Or even by just doing all story-missions and exploring the world.


I made a base assault with the team. Dead ticks tracked for me and finished this assignment.

new daily, same issue: only works, when i play base defense or assault…

having the same issue, plus my missions to start doing base assaults is also bugged, so no stop gap work around there for me.

Hey devs, heres an idea, revert back to the old patch. Upload the new patch when it fixes more than it breaks. The old patch seemed fine to me.

I’m afraid reverting back to previous updates is impossible, due a number of reasons; like saves being updated to a later version for example.

That being said, the FMTEL Assignments are not specifically related to updates, but to the Apex Account network. So it can be worked on and patched separately, without the need for a game update.

Is there anything I can try on my PC that could potentially help? I had an issue once with Grand Theft Auto Online, where clearing the game cache worked. I dont know much about computers so had to find an instruction walkthough online to do it. Would something similar work for Gen-Z

It seems to be borked for everyone right now. I think the best would probably be to wait for a fix, I’m unsure if it’s something that can be fixed client-side.