I also fell victim to this mistake.
Reinstall did not help (Ps5)
It’s a shame that the mission counts towards the trophy.
I just hope the fix doesn’t cost starting the game from scratch.
Best regards to you.
The exact same thing happened to me, that when I escaped from the RO factory the mission was not completed, doing everything to see if it was completed, but nothing. It is annoying to hear the noise of the explosions due to overloading the system. It is heard in all the regions of the map. I hope that the next patch will correct it.
Next path reportedly in February
Me, I hope they will give a patch removing this annoying bug sooner.
I’ve also have the same problem
I also have the same problem
I also have the same problem, Will it take an update to fix it? Is there a way to stop hearing the explosions from going off from everywhere on the map?
Still nothing on the bug and the constant outbursts?
It lasts for almost two weeks…
Pontus mentioned on Stream it should be fixed for next update which is aimed at February currently.
It is necessary to take a break for about two months… Heh
Thanks for the information.
So for 2 months we just have to deal with the bombs going off? Awesome.
could always start a new world for the moment and play on the old character
I thought about it, but I can’t remember how long it takes for this mission to appear.
I need it for the platinum
Yeah,experienced the same thing. Mission will not trigger completed and never ending explosions.
Left me wondering who is betatesting…
same thing has just happened to me now, there was a mini update yesterday, idk what that was for but this is still an issue, i can hear the explosions from half way across the map, have to wait for a patch to play.
Na ps5 mam komunikat, że ostatnia aktualizacja była 25.12.2022 o godzinie 6:39.
Wczoraj u kolegi na koncie próbowaliśmy zrobić tą misję i do wczoraj z grona moich znajomych był jedynym, który nie miał wybuchów na całej mapie.
Do wczoraj
Teraz już wszystkim huczy
Come on, this is an english-only forum. Please translate your posts.
This happened to me yesterday and the incessant explosions continue, even if I Fast Travel to the other side to Ostertorn. It’s getting really annoying, tbh. Hopefully the devs have a fix
Same issue here. Blast sounds very irritating
same i have tried everything but im still stuck i hope this gets fixed soon