Casual chat discussions

Proof that I do not!!!
As I do not. :stuck_out_tongue:

Lemme explain…
Heck yes, in many case are tracers a sure must.
In MY!!! specific case, it would be suicide, as I was a “Machine gun sniper” (go figure that one, eh?), but when it comes to night time for instance full battle situations?
Damn straight it’s a nigh necessity, even.

500 to 520 RPM
Effective firing range 550m
Maximum firing range 1,690 m

That ain’t shabby!

Did you request this puppy?

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Not yet!

Ah, slower than the GPMG - that accounts for the sweet recoil. Extended mag to 50 or 60, with a x4 sight puttable, with the bonus that it keeps its full accuracy to 400 (machine render) whereas the 59 is rubbish over 200 metres - couldn’t hit a barn from inside it! It would be wonderful.

Mind you, have we talked about Prone? When either of the machine guns are used Prone, the accuracy should shoot up.

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I meant that the game allows you to live after dying, over and over. And living after dying from gravity over and over isn’t really different. :wink: Point is, there are so many things not logical in games.

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True, that is why I suggested heavy death penalties, sir. :slight_smile:
Not that many liked that, heh…

Discussion moved to proper topic.

Feel free to continue discussing it in here.


Many (including me) expected the FNIX Rising DLC to unlock another island, just like Alpine Unrest DLC did.

As of why FNIX Rising takes place on already known part of the map and not on a new piece of land, well, for that, you have to listen what devs said about it, in FNIX Rising release stream. Explanation starts at 00:21:16,

When it comes to the game developers, you can put most of them into two groups:

  • Good at making good game but poor on business side of the company.
  • Good at business side of the company but poor on the game design aspect.

On 1st instance, many indie developers and small studios fit in here who put out a good game but ask little in return.
On 2nd instance, every game that is Pay to Win, has loot boxes that you have to pay real money for and/or has microtransactions in it, fit here. Sure, it can bring a lot of money for studio but on player side of things, it’s poor choice (aka cash grab games). Mobile gaming market is currently suffering due to such games.

Of course, there are few studios that are good at both and they have “struck gold” in game development market but those are few and far between, e.g: Rockstar Games (Take-Two Interactive).

Well, devs did plan to launch FNIX Rising to all three platforms at the same time but “force majeure” happened and it pushed the release back on consoles. So, rather than choosing the 1st choice, in my previous reply, they choosed the 2nd choice.

It’s easy to say: “Why didn’t you held back the release for all platforms until all three were ready?”.

Let’s look that question on the other side of the fence and with fictional, analog example:
Let’s say you are a carpenter and 3 sisters have ordered the same custom made desk from you. So, you get to work and complete all 3 desks.
1st sister is happy with her desk, 2nd sister is nit-picky of your work and wants some changes while 3rd sister is completely unsatisfied and wants to completely change the design of the desk.
So, rather than you giving the completed desk to 1st sister, you withhold it from her, saying: “you won’t get your desk until other two desks are ready, despite your desk being completed and it is just sitting here.”.
With that, you start working on two other desks and once you correct the nit-picks of 2nd sister’s desk, they both come asking for their desks since they want to use them. And again, you give 1st and 2nd sister the same answer as before: “until your 3rd sister doesn’t make up her mind about her desk, neither of you get your desks.”.

Is it fair to withhold both completed desks from two sisters, just because of 3rd sister? :thinking:
I don’t think so.

And this is how the DLC got released for the platforms. Once it was ready, it got released, without withholding it back because of the other(s).


The sister analogy could have been good.
The problem is all sisters had their original desks with a lot of scratches.
One sister received her new desk while the other sisters desks were not finished and their own desks did not get any sort of maintenance.
Then the Second sister got her desk, but the desk had an accident and after some repairs someone scratched the desk so it needs repairs once gain.
Meanwhile the Third sister desk is in the same state it was some months ago and she is asking herself why did she ordered from that store?
And now the First sister is already asking for a Desk Lamp when the other 2 desks are having problems and have been recalled for repairs.
So…the store is having problems and one of the employees has been saying the same thing.
" We should have waited Boss…now the clients are pissed!"


This never is a good option, IMHO, and just not appreciated.
This would lead to further downfall of the game, if implied here.
I do not quite get, how we got to this idea, miss…?

Question: if the game released the FNIX for PS4, how come they do not have it?
Was it rolled back, perhaps?

From what I gathered, it was not released at all, due to issues with that?
IF so, the sister analogy is flawed, as one desk… is missing…?

EDIT: Yes, I am badly informed.
I had a 6 moth hiatus, and not all was explained that well to me.
Also, as PC player, I was not that along with consoles, my apologies for that.

Sir @Mr_A1992 was very kind to inform me.
Thank you very much sir.

So, I stand by what I said: we have a missing desk, I fear…
One sister got ran over, seems… by the truck that did not have her desk…
I hope, she’ll recover soon. :wink:

How’s that for anology… XD

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My take of the “sister riddle”:

Sister one lives close to the carpenter. Sister two lives in another town. Sister three lives in another county and wants imperial not metric measurements.

The Carpenter gets an order for all three and starts processing. COVID hits and travel is affected. The Carpenter is starting on the design in which they ordered to his liking. The Carpenter works on the first two since it will be easier to get those out of the way and essentially on same metric system. He starts work on the third but runs into issues on the conversions not finding some pieces in imperial as needed because you know, COVID. He completes the first two to his standards and ships them out. Both sisters loved their pieces but begin to find some parts are sticking or won’t open. The carpenter gets the pieces back, trying to figure out what is wrong with his design, and the third sister is still waiting while her parts are on back order.

Best I could come up with :rofl:


Thank you very much, miss, that was quite informative! :slight_smile:
I do understand the feeling it was ‘repetitive’, but then why bring us back there, even, more repetitiveness…
I mean, the machines, if you come from Hjimfall, and one gets confronted with -to put it quite crudely- noob machines?
In an Advanced DLC?
Bizarre, if you ask me.
Either way, it is what it is, nothing can’t be done about that anymore, we’ll just have to accept.

But again, and i cannot state that enough… BRILLIANT!!! what they turned mainland into!!!
Just SO sad, any new player sees it… and not even have main land finished.
Still… GORGEOUS setting, now!!!

Discussion moved to proper topic to keep the source topic on point.


On one side, you have ability to send completed products out as soon as they are ready (what devs choose), on other side, you withhold all products until all are ready (my example). There is no “golden” choice between either of the two.

Riddle. :joy: It wasn’t a riddle but instead fictional example if things would’ve gone the other way around.

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Is holding back for everyone until all can get it not a decent mid-way, miss?
Serious question…

It’s what I would do…
Focus on fixing the issue that broke the game for system X, and only when fixed properly, release to all…
Right now, we have a system that’s limping behind, far behind.
If not taken care of, this limping system will lose the rest of the platoon.
Which is… deadly… like the GZ-gravity…

Thoughts, miss?
Or, anyone?

EDIT: Did I derail the topic Patch Compensation?
I SO hope not…

So by your point of view it would be better for the new consoles to be available in some countries instead of almost everywhere?
They could already be selling PS5 at Japan and Korea and the new Xbox at some U.S states you know.
The same applies to Windows update being available only in 2 countries and not on the rest where the product is commercialized.
Does not look like a good commercial practice and it´s not very fair…no?

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I think, by product, miss Aesyle meant the game, sir.
Not the system/platform…

It´s the same, the same principle applies in many types of products.
Because if a product is available but not for everyone there is the option to sell only to some or to wait till there is enough quantity for a larger sale.


150% agreement, sir!
When one is right, he is right.
No point in dismissing that.

It is the strategy of some developers. Hopoo Games releases content for PC months prior to consoles as sort of a “beta-test” since they can patch on the fly anything needed for PC. The lead time of a couple months can mean a lot for console updates since they can’t be updated as often or easily.

I know I know, the Forest, Subnautica developers, did the same, so did Paradox Interactive with Stellaris, console versions are always behind PC, it´s normal.
The difference is that their respective console versions are stable.

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Ultimate goal there :smile:

BTW got a bunch of .50 cal ammo for ya

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Ultimate goal indeed! :wink:
Ah thx, but I don´t need it buddy, I have 200 of each type in the Plundra and more than 300 in the backpack(inventory).
But I´l take any adrenaline you can spare :sweat_smile:.