Changing computer- saved files?


I’m soon going to change computer. And I’m playing Co-op with a friend. What happens with the saved files/character? And inventory? Are they saved on my computer or his? So I have to save those on an external HDD and paste them in game files on the new computer??

I really don’t want to start from scratch again just because of a new computer… Advice or anyone who knows what will happen??

if you are using steam your saved games by default should be saved to the steam cloud.
this means that on your new pc , everything should be the same once you have logged in and downloaded the game and start up.
there are ways to backup your characters and progress , but that might be for another thread.

Hopefully that will work and that it works for Generation Zero as well :D. But maby to be safe I’ll backup the files as well.


Your save games and settings are saved to your local drive under:

C:\Users<username>\Documents\Avalanche Studios\GenerationZero\Saves

The “settings:” folder saves your game settings (you may not care about that if on a new computer). Your actual save game will be in the folder with the long numerical name in a file called savegame.

Copy the ‘savegame’ file to a network drive or USB storage. Instad Generation Zero to your new PC, and put it back in the same location on your new machine.

I have used 3 different PCs to play this game and it will automatically update from steam cloud, so you do not need to manually move your save file

Nice. Thanks for the answer :slight_smile: