Character Biography

Thank you. :slightly_smiling_face:

The main reason why i play GZ is the lore and the lore is one that has kept me with GZ for such a long time. I want to see where the story in GZ goes and how it ends, if it ever ends.

When i 1st started with GZ, week after GZ’s launch (back in late March '19), i also thought that my char was human teen, as the small narrative lets us to believe. However, throughout of my journey, collecting more info about machines and the world of GZ piece by piece, i found hints and tips that my char may not be human at all. Of course, it’s a great leap from bulky machines roaming the world to the human looking machine but everything is possible. Also, i can’t just dismiss all those clues about my theory of player char being a machine.

For example, here’s close-up shot of F-X 103 and can you spot the clue in it? :smiley:

Click here to view

Before your topic came along, my theory about my girls was general one but your topic gave me inspiration to create individual profiles for each of them. And all that in the style of GZ as well; giving out some detailed info about them but also having a good dose of mystery, true to the GZ’s lore. :smile:

That’s what i like the most about GZ, it gives you small pieces of the story as you go along, like a treasure hunt. Of course, that also leaves a lot for your imagination of what is actually going on and who you are.
Playing GZ is in many ways like reading a book: there is main story line but also a lot of room for imaginnation. :slightly_smiling_face:


@Aesyle Yes, the eyes! I’ve seen that in-game too, but personally I think it’s just a graphical thing; the 3D light reflecting off the surface of our characters eyes in a certain way to give off that glow. Like how cats eyes glow in photographs and how human eyes turn red in photographs in certain lighting conditions. But it can definitely be taken as a clue to your theory as well, it’s certainly possible! I’ve also noticed strange technological sounds and beeps from time to time in locations where there shouldn’t be any, such as in the middle of the forest without any machines nearby.

And I agree that the lore is good! I really like it, especially the mystery of it; it doesn’t reveal too much about the world out of the box, and the game gives you a feeling of being in the shoes of your character and discovering what happened with them.

Personally though, I am actually opposed to our characters being machines. I want and honestly need the human element, not just in mind but also in body. It would feel weird to me if our characters are just made of cold metal with some synthetic covering. What I am not opposed to, however, is if our characters are human but with advanced technological implants and augmentations; what matters most to me is that they are primarily human.

May I ask what you think of Alicia? Is she a good character/what do you think of all her different aspects (name, age, background, ancestry and so on)?

Edit: I’m really glad my topic inspired you to create individual profiles for each of them! That was part of my hopes with my initial post; that people would like it and be inspired to do the same.

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Rest assured, the question of player char being human or something else is still left open in-game. That’s why i can have my girls as i vision them to be and you can have your girl as you vision her to be. :slightly_smiling_face:

Did read about her and her description is also in-depth.
It’s nice to read about other player’s ideas of their char profile creation and what basis was taken during the creation.

Though, i know very little of Norse mythology and customs of Sweden (i’m not a Swede myself) and i’m indifferent about the meanings of the names and dates.

One thing, that i, personally, doesn’t agree with, is one instance of the Early Life section. Namely:

- 1987: Is suspended from school for beating up two students she claimed were bullying a third; parents ramp up the annual training for the rest of the year in response to her lack of discipline.

I get that military parents are strict. However, the teachings of military parents are all about: “Doing the right thing.”. In school, she helped out whomever was bullied and quite likely did put an end to any further bullying. But instead getting praised for her actions, she instead got punished by doing the right thing.

This kind of conduct doesn’t sit well with me at all. No sane parent would punish their child for doing the right thing. Also, i don’t understand how doing the right thing is considered as lack of discipline. Unless her parents are complete nutcases and demand her complete submission to their (parents) will.


The military secretary searched through the files he had been given on the Ostertorn region searching for anything of use, He started to read the next file on his list…
Full Name: Erik Dahl Olsson
Date of Birth: 27/1/1971
Occupation: Hunter and Farmer
Relatives: Louisa Olsson ( Mother Deceased ) Isak Olsson ( Father Deceased )
Bella Olsson ( Sister Unknown )
Relationships: Sofia Sköld ( Girlfriend Alive) Edvin Englund ( Friend Unknown)
Place of residence: Alambo farm ( Destroyed )
1971: Birth
1979: kidnapped and nearly snuck out the country
1982: Goes to military school for a year
1983: Hunts his first deer
1986: Snuck into Sathoholmen Naval base undetected and managed to steal an SMG, gave it back a year later.
1987: Upgrades the engine on the family car
1987: Mother and Father died in a car accident, Erik took over the farm and is taking care of his sister
1989: Erik and Bella go on a trip away from the farm with their friends to relax and enjoy life.
The secretary then looked into the second file attached to the first

Full Name: Bella Sandra Olsson
Date of Birth: 13/8/1975
Occupation: Popular School girl/ Farmer
Relatives: Louisa Olsson ( Mother Deceased ) Isak Olsson ( Father Deceased )
Erik Olsson ( Brother Unknown )
Place of residence: Alambo farm ( Destroyed )
Relationships: Stella rehn ( friend unknown ) Julia Dahlgren ( friend deceased )
1975: Birth
1987: Attends military school for a year
1989: Erik and Bella go on a trip away from the farm with their friends to relax and enjoy life.
Notes if i add stuff: PICTURES ARE HERE! (Don’t play with bella much and Erik is my second character)


That’s good to hear! :smiley: I hope they will leave it open in the future as well! Or at least make it open to interpretation, such as if an NPC just tells you that you’re a robot without having any evidence. I could just go “I don’t believe you.”

And yeah, it is nice to read about other player’s ideas! I am genuinely and very pleasantly surprised to find that there are more players of GZ that put thought into their characters and who they are just like I do.

And about that part in the early life section; I understand and agree. Alicia’s parents punishing her for doing the right thing was something I didn’t ponder over a lot before adding. Being suspended from school came first, and then I considered writing that she beat the bullies up so bad that at least one of them was hospitalized with at least one broken bone. But it didn’t sit right with me that Alicia was that violent when she was 14, so I didn’t add it in. Now, her parents are supposed to be stern to the point of almost being nutcases; which is why they put Alicia (and her brother when he was at the same age) through that training regimen and disregarded the law to instruct their children how to handle military firearms in secret. But they also have a very logical way of thinking, and also have a sense of honor and a strong sense of duty towards their family, and genuinely love both their children. They never pushed Alicia or her brother too far. So, yes. You’re right that the conduct of punishing Alicia for doing the right thing doesn’t make a whole lot of sense considering who they are and that such a thing would be damaging to Alicia’s sense of morality! So I’m going to change that line into something better. I feel like she would still get suspended from school though, because the school’s principal was an idiot who didn’t consider everyone’s side. And now I have an idea for what to change it to!


@Admiralgamer That’s a very nice character profile, I like it! It’s a neat intro you wrote, too! Thanks for posting! Are Erik and Bella surviving together?

I should write a profile for Alicia’s brother. He’s alive, but I haven’t decided exactly where he is; though he’s probably searching for his sister just like Alicia’s been searching for him. I think they will find each other after I’ve played the DLCs. Their parents are probably alive too, but since they have a relatively high rank in the military they’re probably helping to organize the military elsewhere.

As for Alambo Farm, is that a location in the game? I myself have been searching for houses in-game where Alicia lived before the machine invasion. I have two requirements for this:

  1. There needs be a logical layout to the rooms; everything you’d find in a normal house. Meaning no houses with, for example, three bathrooms, one bedroom and no freaking kitchen.
  2. It can’t have any quests or any in-game story such as notes written by NPCs already associated with it.
  3. It needs to be nicely decorated.

So far I’ve identified at least two places in-game that can fit those requirements; one is an unmarked but rather nice house in the town of Klinte, and the other is the Vinterbacken homestead. Currently I’ve decided on the house in Klinte as her home, but if I find a better house in another region I’ll change her address to that.

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Yes they are, Bella isn’t really a fighter and is only 14, she helps Erik in any way she can and is good at causing distractions for Erik. Erik is the fighter charging in against all odds defending his country.

It is not (At least i think), I came up with it myself, its location would be in the island above himfall but unfortunately it was nearby a military battle with machines and is a pile of rubble due to a tank smashing the farmhouse and barns. Erik and Bella want to find a way to see if their home is ok but in the freezing cold months of winter and machines very good hearing they don’t want to risk taking a boat.

I think you should wait until we get a DLC with remains of the military and that is where she should find him. :slightly_smiling_face:


Saturday 11th July, 2020
1848.082, 4615.341

The fight against the aliens does not allow for emotion, though I fear for Diesel in her search for answers…

It’d been nearly 3 weeks, and nothing has changed. There are concerns NW, but cannot venture there at this time. The mystery still remains, something…was there on Himfjall. Something they kept in plain sight, hidden, underground.

There was no point in reasoning, I told her not to go. The radio I gave is hopefully enough.

When the time comes, we will be ready.


Maybe we could make a massive story so eventually all these characters meet up?


I could get you in for a cameo in a video down the line



Makes a lot of sense, yeah! I like the synergy/cooperation between Erik and Bella. Alicia’s a great fighter and survivor that has so far managed everything alone despite being only 16, but that’s mostly because of her military parents and the training they put her through. If she didn’t have any training there’s no way she’d survive by herself, no matter her ancestry.

I admit that Erik and Bella and the way they survive is much more realistic than Alicia! I could have done something similar for Alicia and her brother, but when I’m playing in-game I want to feel immersed in my character, the environment and what’s happening around my character and I can’t play two characters at the same time, so it felt more fitting that Alicia and her family were separated.

As for character home, that’s a pretty good idea! Personally I want an actual location in-game, a place Alicia calls home. Though she would have prepared a few camps with supplies in various locations around Östertörn so she has places to go if she needs to rest and resupply.

And yes, you’re right! I have yet to finish the base game and Alicia is still before the events of Alpine Unrest in the timeline of the game. So waiting until I finish the DLCs and until a military DLC would be better!

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Perhaps eventually, yes!

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That would be a ton of fun!


The rain at Maaskar has ended, the sky is black but the tower still burns. I thought I heard voices, the hat I couldn’t miss it. How can it be?


Got a question. I found Villa Skogsberget in the Forest Region; a homestead on the map, it’s a very nice house at a scenic location. It also doesn’t seem to have any in-game story associated with it; no quests, no notes or recordings from NPCs, not even any collectables. Now, I would like it to be the house where Alicia and her family lived before the machine invasion. Since it’s basically a blank slate, would that be acceptable?

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As someone who’s roleplayed way too much throughout the years in MMO’s, my advice would be to make up your own location, rather than choosing a canonical one that already exists. We don’t know what’ll happen to existing locations or how they’ll change as the game develops.

That being said, you could choose an existing location, and simply call it something else. In my story
A Rude Awakening, Karl’s kids went to school in Östervik. I don’t even know if the town has a school, but it sounds plausible. Himself, he lived somewhere with his wife in the South Coast region, probably one of the smaller towns.


But now the south coast got a revamp @AliciaStorm so there is a chance @Zesiir’s place was changed, so do what Xezr said and make one up!


Yeah, it’s highly likely his house is a pile of burning rubble right about now :sob:

Though at the time A Rude Awakening takes place, FNIX Rising hasn’t happened yet.


So true, and a good advice. I had to be careful not to fall into that trap in my own story as well. Especially when considering things like the changes to the farmlands, which probably took place before the player landed at Yttervik, and more changes like that will probably be added in the future. I also tried to expand the story to an island that’s not even opened up in the game yet, but soon found myself in deep water. Chapter 2 and 3 is just done, btw. If anyone wants to read. :slight_smile:


@AliciaStorm I think we need a plan if we are going to do a big story. (Also a new topic) I think it would be best for us all to do chapters separately and then let others edit, if you want in to help make a massive story @ me here :grin:
List of people who are doing the big story so far: