Clipping through the map

Platform: PC

Description: I was fighting the ticks and I clipped through the floor in the sarkan bunker

Steps To Reproduce: I believe it was when I was in the corner of a room and reloaded and my character fell through the floor

Images / Videos: idk how to get an actual picture besides the long link but it was an underground cavern beneath the bunker and I could see through the floors of the whole thing

Host or Client: it was single player

Players in your game: none


It was probably because of you being in a bunker coupled with you being in a corner. I’ve clipped through the ground more times in a bunker than anywhere else.

It can happen anywhere. It’s a known bug but rare. It once happened to me after fast travel to a church and as soon as I went outside I fell down. Only place I could stand on was the church floor.

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