Companion and pUpdate (18-07-2023) discussion (Spoilers)

And they need to be different than the other runners that you do want to shoot. Same as in the daylight.

I shoot remote turrets from time to time thinking it is a rocket lynx in the smoke.
Wonder if we can practice shoot our pets? They have a play mode right?

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What? How can you confuse your homing turrets (stick) with a lynx (ball)? Lynx even don’t fire rockets, just grenades… Which somehow are faster than any rocket (I hate them and their sound… “b, b, b,… Boom”) :rofl:

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I guess they mean that FNIX via a machine convinced Tatiana to send a small Soviet Tactical Nuke onto the bunker to stop Bolshakov plans. That was indeed not good for the inhabitants there.


So people, I may be being very stupid or blind but how do you deploy the new runner companion? I have got to the part where I have been told to deploy the companion but I don’t see a button to press at the companion station and I’m kinda baffled. Is there something I completely missed?

(Never mind I just found it, it was in my inventory amongst all the other clutter I have :rofl:)

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Go outside on flat ground, open your carry inventory, click on your pet and hit “F” for deploy.

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I finally managed to pet the companion! :dog2:


Just to remember the steps. :guitar:


Hi Adm, good to see you on the forum again. :vulcan_salute:


Good to be back, been waiting for a nice update to get back into the game


I have to say, in the brief hour or so I spent with this update I crashed more than I have in months. Both single player and multiplayer. Multiple crashes to desktop both as host and client.

The game at one point even kicked the host from his own game and told him that couldn’t rejoin as we had different versions of the game (this was after we’d been playing for 15mins). Nor did we have different version numbers either.

Also, whoever was charged with the task of making it so that the player couldn’t drop the companion only removed the “X to Drop” prompt from the inventory screen. You can still highlight it and press X and drop it on the ground… and yes, another player can then pick it up.

Unfortunately, you can only have one in your inventory so at this point whoever dropped it can’t then get it back without quitting and restarting. Alas, my hopes of amassing an pack of doggos was dashed.

Why does the dog have a different inventory UI? You have no way of knowing what tier of weapon / attachment they’re carrying.

Why can’t you drop from the dogs inventory? Instead you have to transfer it all to your own inventory and then scroll through and drop it from there.

Multiple times I’d loot a machine only for the dog to come and take everything except the cosmetics, leaving me unable to collect them. Then after exiting the loot screen I would be unable to go back and loot the enemy again to try and grab them.

Having the dog set to loot is just way too problematic. It’s by far the best option but way too prone to crashing or glitching.

There’s potential here, but more than ever this feels like it needed more time before release.


Does it only crash if the “Dog” is set to loot?
Or it happens anyway, even without it (companion around) ?

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In the patch notes under known issues is mentioned that the game may crash under special circumstances if the companion is looting.

We can already mark items/ressources as favorite ones, to see them easier. Can’t there be an option to mark items/ressources as favorites to be looted by the companion? This should prevent additional unnecessary inventory management after each battle.


I feel bad for you. I don’t understand why some people like me don’t have any crashes, while others have a really bad experiences. I had hoped that this time it would be good for everybody. :coffee:

Ik have played the mission twice now, second time to make some photo’s I forgot to take and to work on the Map. :world_map:


It crashes more (for my friend and I) regardless of what behaviour we set for the companion. But the ‘loot’ behaviour introduces further problems into the mix with additional crashes / glitches when you both are looting machines.

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I love and dont love the new companion.

I love that it exists and its cute. With the rocket launcher it does decent damage to other runners and other smaller robots, its not a main battle tank after all. I had it take down a tank, it works, but the dog would attack in melee range way too much, causing it to take alot of unnecessary damage.

The AI is obviously copy-paste from the normal runner, and needs alot of tweaking to to become useful.

As it it now it attacks shit it should not, it attacks in melee range way to often, and its way to squishy for endgame combat.

The armor sucks. Even at 4 star armor the companion dies quickly, i spend more time healing the companion then myself…

Its clear the companion needs to somehow level up with the player, so that its not OP at lower levels, and not useless for endgame content.

Maby a small skill tree with defensive skills for the companion? Or simply let it gain levels with the player to gradually increase its power.


Hey this might sound like a stupid question, I’ve only had quick run through this morning of mission, however how do I repair the companion, my options greyed out , am I missing something , cheers :v:

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Do you have repair kits? (like for motorbikes)

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Ahh do I need to use these?

Thanks :pray:

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On Twitter from Generation Zero team:

"We’ve received reports from some players regarding game crashes & are currently investigating the cause. This is our top priority & we will update you once resolved. We apologize to players currently impacted & greatly appreciate your reports which help us nail down the problem.


And with a very High cost mostly cosmetic DLC.