Companion and pUpdate (18-07-2023) discussion (Spoilers)

It is, if you feel that way. Perfectly Ok. :guitar:

With so many people itā€™s pretty hard to please everyone, you know that. What makes sense is that you try to also consider the people with a more extreme tastes as well. I for one like the colourful ones, but I really donā€™t mind whatever the skin looks like. Itā€™s not very important to me. :man_shrugging:

Still, I appreciate your view in this.

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Basically, we need to find a way to coexist, and stop fighting the endless battles. But that should only happen after at least one new island is opened for us.

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My GF said the pets need to have colors that match what the player is wearing.


:pray: every opinion is a good opinion :pray:

For serious games, Iā€™d like to have serious content. War games, which have a serious topic, donā€™t need to be much colorful in my eyes. Thatā€™s making the serious game becoming silly.

I donā€™t like that. Not for GZ, not for Call of Duty, not for GTA or RDR and not for any other serious shooter.

Yes, you could say for example GTA isnā€™t serious, but silly in many aspects. But the visuals arenā€™t.

Ah, well, I hope you know what I mean or try to say. Itā€™s my opinion. In my words.

I guess I will buy the DLC, but I donā€™t have to use the skins. Thatā€™s it.


Ohā€¦wellā€¦at least we have the Black fire , unless you also dont like it :sweat_smile: .

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Interesting tidbit: Did you know the ā€œBlack Fireā€ initially might have been named ā€œBlack Flameā€? :point_left:

Not, but maybe it was a fan from Command & Conquer?
The color, the theme the nameā€¦
Fire, flame, Black Hand .

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I am going to pick colors I can see at all times, day or night.
Wonder how many times a player will shoot his own pet thinking it is a runner?
really need our pets to stand out!

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Thatā€™s why they have lighting kits :rofl:


And they need to be different than the other runners that you do want to shoot. Same as in the daylight.

I shoot remote turrets from time to time thinking it is a rocket lynx in the smoke.
Wonder if we can practice shoot our pets? They have a play mode right?

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What? How can you confuse your homing turrets (stick) with a lynx (ball)? Lynx even donā€™t fire rockets, just grenadesā€¦ Which somehow are faster than any rocket (I hate them and their soundā€¦ ā€œb, b, b,ā€¦ Boomā€) :rofl:

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I guess they mean that FNIX via a machine convinced Tatiana to send a small Soviet Tactical Nuke onto the bunker to stop Bolshakov plans. That was indeed not good for the inhabitants there.


So people, I may be being very stupid or blind but how do you deploy the new runner companion? I have got to the part where I have been told to deploy the companion but I donā€™t see a button to press at the companion station and Iā€™m kinda baffled. Is there something I completely missed?

(Never mind I just found it, it was in my inventory amongst all the other clutter I have :rofl:)

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Go outside on flat ground, open your carry inventory, click on your pet and hit ā€œFā€ for deploy.

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I finally managed to pet the companion! :dog2:


Just to remember the steps. :guitar:


Hi Adm, good to see you on the forum again. :vulcan_salute:


Good to be back, been waiting for a nice update to get back into the game


I have to say, in the brief hour or so I spent with this update I crashed more than I have in months. Both single player and multiplayer. Multiple crashes to desktop both as host and client.

The game at one point even kicked the host from his own game and told him that couldnā€™t rejoin as we had different versions of the game (this was after weā€™d been playing for 15mins). Nor did we have different version numbers either.

Also, whoever was charged with the task of making it so that the player couldnā€™t drop the companion only removed the ā€œX to Dropā€ prompt from the inventory screen. You can still highlight it and press X and drop it on the groundā€¦ and yes, another player can then pick it up.

Unfortunately, you can only have one in your inventory so at this point whoever dropped it canā€™t then get it back without quitting and restarting. Alas, my hopes of amassing an pack of doggos was dashed.

Why does the dog have a different inventory UI? You have no way of knowing what tier of weapon / attachment theyā€™re carrying.

Why canā€™t you drop from the dogs inventory? Instead you have to transfer it all to your own inventory and then scroll through and drop it from there.

Multiple times Iā€™d loot a machine only for the dog to come and take everything except the cosmetics, leaving me unable to collect them. Then after exiting the loot screen I would be unable to go back and loot the enemy again to try and grab them.

Having the dog set to loot is just way too problematic. Itā€™s by far the best option but way too prone to crashing or glitching.

Thereā€™s potential here, but more than ever this feels like it needed more time before release.