It seems the machine companion when deployed from the inventory disappears sometimes, and when it does the only way to get him back is to interact with the companion station, he does not appear from a" Runner Pod" like usually it does.
Even after getting him back in the Inventory he will never deploy from a POD, he just disappears everytime he is deployed.
He is not inside the Plundra
He is not inside the Inventory
No he is not using any new camo new armor or new Voice module.
He will not appear after fast travel
Exiting to main menu seems to be the only temporary fix to be able to spawn the Companion again ingame.
System PS5 (PS4 game)
Latest update
Had no Crash
Playing solo session
The problem is it’s only ‘fixed’ for a moment. It’s gotten to the point that my companion is a one use per session at best. If I pick them up after combat or really any kind of use that’s it. Only option is to restart the game, sometimes I don’t even have to use them. I did the hard base assault last night. Fresh start so I wouldn’t have bugs. Fix my inventory test the companion in the base. Deploy, Pickup, Deploy Pickup, all good. Don’t move him from that ready slot travel to the base…, deploy and he’s gone.
Hmm must be the fast travel.
Today I wander out of Muskudden port complex. I’m on my way to knock off the last couple of side missions. There’s a level 1 Rival between me and my destination that I’d usually avoid till it ‘grew up’ but since I’m unlocking the new armor for Stålhund and needed 1 more schematic point for the next piece of 4 star apparel I won’t be able to craft, and he’s right in the way, practically on the doorstep of the Port Complex. I say what the heck.
The next 20-30 minutes (or that’s what it felt like) are an incredibly chaotic battle as well more than a dozen FNIX hunters just keep swarming me. The whole time the world is exploding, thick with poison gas and swarming with Ticks. Despite killing the Rival the threat level goes up. Robot corpses litter the mountainside and choke the tunnel entrances… Stålhund was awesome often being my only warning that there were more coming from a new quarter, and also invaluable in spotting all the damn Ticks amongst the rocks and wreckage. When it calms down a bit I realize there are two FNIX Harvesters down the road that are the probable cause of the escalation. My companion’s armor is mostly toast so I decide I will pick him up, and fix him up before tackling the harvesters.
I make the armor and then think well I might as well use the last 10% of his current 4 star concussive. As it was new right before that fight. Besides there’s probably a lot of loot still down there.
And he disappears on deployment…
Never fast traveled, never made it past the ‘front yard’ of the Safe house.
I have the same on Xbox Series X. I don’t know if it’s related or coincidental but I notice my XP for killing and needed for level gets multiplied/inflated when this happens or at least at the same time I think. Meaning if you’d normally get 40 for a tick or 130 for a runner you get 400 & 1300. But you don’t make progress towards level any faster. This may just be voodoo but I feel like if I see the lower values then my companion will deploy. Higher forget about it.
That bug occur with other deployable equipment like the field radio or field mines. Not so often as the companion though. It even could happen when you throw a new armor towards the companion. It just disappears but counts down one armor from your inventory
The XP are added over a session. It sums up.
I don’t know if it was an intentional change, and if yes why they did that, but that’s it.
You get what you should get, but it just shows the sum each time.
You start a session with 100.000 XP.
You fight your first battle, get 1.000 XP for it.
Then you fight the second battle with the same machines and it shows 2.000 XP. In a third battle with more machines you get 15.000 XP, but it shows 17.000 XP and finally when you end your session you have 117.000 XP.
Not sure if this is related to the companiion disappearing bug, or more the problem in a previous post describing deployables not syncing in multiplayer. My companion has been working fine in single player. However, when I use it in a multiplayer session, the deploy animation is different: the pod lands on the ground, there is an audible “ticking” sound, then the pod disappears after a few seconds. A few more seconds go by, then the companion will appear a few meters away.
I do not want to clutter the forum with duplicate bug reports, so can a more experienced contributor let me know if this has already been reported in another post, or in the Januari Hotfix wiki? I didn’t see this specific problem, but still wanted to ask before I wrote it up.
So there’s something about Companion’s voice module, and more.
About half of them don’t play a “preview”, had it before Showdown but it started after Skyfire.
And now I noticed that I have a voice module called Beast, “must be one of the new ones?”, and it won’t pre-play.
So I equipped it on the companion, went out and deployed him and heard a “scritch” sound, like when the ammo box disappears after the third use. But now it was my companion who disappeared.
It doesn’t show up on the map, not in my Plundra, not in my gear.
And I thought I’m screwed because I just equipped new balistic armor too. But when I look at companion station it shows no armor but full health, so I craft a new armor, equipped that and the companion was back in my gear.
Did it all again, it went missing and nowhere to be found. Checked the companion station and same thing again there too. Removed the new voice module with the old I used just before, but same thing again when deploying it.
Did repeat the exact same procedure, at same place, with the Beast voice this time and no disappearing companion.
But Beast (and several other voices) don’t play up when your in the customization menus for your companion.
But notice one thing! This was a just started and fresh session by GZ. I got the nasty splash screen we all love that reminds me how many weapons we’ve picked up only to later destroy 99% into weapon parts.
When companion went missing I was in a GZ session that had last almost 3 hours. And the nasty splash screen had already stopped working like several times before now after about 1½-2 hours of playing. It takes longer and longer for the splashes to appear and eventually they don’t seem to come at all anymore. It was there my companion suddenly went MIGZ (Missing In Generation ZERO).
To all others that had the companion going MIGZ.
Have you lost the comapanion before or after Showdown update?
How long have your GZ session going on?
Did reparing the armor sent your companion into your gear / Or is your companion still MIGZ?
If you don’t mind my asking on what platform do you play? My companion (on Xbox S-X) is terribly reliable in his unreliability. Honestly I can’t figure out what causes it. Maybe switching something out in the ready wheel? I know it’s not fast travel per se but it could be a contributing factor.
The lion share of my MIGZ have been after the update and the paltry handful of times it happened before was usually in very laggy, underground shenanigans, or both. Honestly no bother in the big scheme of things. Since the update most old bugs are much better but MIGZ’ies are rife.
As of 23/01/25 after latest patch, this issue is still not fixed.
Companion disappears after being deployed a few times, it does not matter if its from the inventory or from the select equipement wheel.
I dont use mods and i dont use any type of duplication glitch, its a vanilla PS4 version in a PS5 console, it was fine before “THE LAST UPDATE”.
Have been continuing on with play after the January hotfix. Just beat the main game today and have been starting Alpine Unrest. Experimented with the companion and noticed some more specific, repeatable bnehavior: if I am just standing still and deploy the companion from inventory or the wheel, it works fine, and will do its normal companion thing.
If I equip the companion from the wheel and try to deploy it while I am running or walking (like, in the heat of battle), then it will consistently drop, the “pod opening” animation will stop abruptly and it will disappear. As described above by other users, I will have to go back to a companion station and interact with it, and then the companion will appear back in my inventory.
I tried it several times and it seemed to be consistent: deploy while stationary, no problem. Deploy while moving forward, it glitches.