Please add the known bugs to this list.
It’s a wiki, so you all should be able to edit the starting post.
Please use short words to name the bug.
If an own topic for that Bug already exists, add a link to the bug.
own field radios invisible for other players
initial notification of how to start the showdown missions doesn’t show in some cases.
Strange visual movement sometimes with the weapons and the arm holding them after reloading or while changing them.
Adding to above visual issue swapping weapon can hapening instant without animation if you go to ADS or from ADS animation. (added info on December 26)
Another visual glich if you use Medkits and swap back to weapon in animation then weapon hold in strange way downside and the weapon stock visible only onscreen. (added info on December 26)
Companion cant be deployed, it will just vanish and wont be found anywhere
Going to the main menu and coming back is temporary fix.
Rivals having less loot than usual, specially an inferior quantity of experimental weapons drops.
Game performance is still not good, inferior to 2023, not good when objects and other assets have already been sacrificed to improve performance at a certain distance from the Player.
Base defenses shooting against fallen enemies.
Co op issues since new update, crashes, cant conect to friends. (Xbox with PC gamepass)
Ingame Notifications not appearing or appearing minutes later(after the last fight or when a new fight begins)
XP is shown cumulatively. When XP is earned the figure shown is the total earned since the start of the session rather than the XP earned in the latest encounter.
Notifications for XP / Base Defense rewards etc. can stop appearing altogether. Only way to get them back is to quit back to main menu.
Unstoppable shells augment drops the framerate into single digits.
Some mission objectives don’t appear to trigger. Multiple people have had issues with ‘Secure the security office’ or ‘Exclusion zone’ for example.
destroyed big machines still provide no more cover. Enemy machines just shoot through them. It was such a good tactic using them as cover in the past.
The Recycle Station when Im close to maximum capacity it always count the dismantable item weight, not the outcome materlial weight as before. So if I have less than 4 kg remaining then Im unable to dismantle a Minigun while able to dismantle same quality weapon with 2kg what otherwise would provide same amount of materials. Same goes when I try to dismantle bullets it slowly offer reduced amount do dismatle based how many kg left in Recycle Station. (added info on December 26)
The Base Defense often not stop. Even I win the battle and got the rewards with sparkles the enemies keep coming, in medium difficulty most of the time Military Runners with some Prototype or Military Hunters (added info on December 26)
Own weapons esspecialy rocket launchers as also the DLC Portable Homing Turrets can destroy Base Defense Buildings very fast. (added info on December 26)
Portable Homing Turrets rockets have the issue again where they destroy eachother rockets in air, even chain explode. Drasticaly reduce the efectiveness of setting multiple Turrets. (added info on December 26)
there’s still a severe lighting bug when exiting Rönnhalla shelter that needs to be fixed.
There seems to be a considerable reduction in the chance of obtaining any type of experimental weapon from rivals and base assaults post Showdown update.
The changes to crafting and base defences (new materials etc) has effectively destroyed crafting. Some people do not do base defences. Others have built bases around the command vehicle that are now effectively worthless.
Crafting special ammo and other equipment now requires base defences to be done whereas before that was only a requirement if uranium ore was required. Further, any crafting material rewards gained from those base defence missions is very poor.
I had this happen last night. This is the only time it’s ever happened and was still able to use it. When I came back to it it was normal. This is the plundra box at Boo church. Not worth a bug report tho.
I think this has been reported also. It seems since Showdown update the wolves always leave two floating lynxes. They are fun to mess with…you approch them and their light turns red but they dont shoot. You can also go under them and their ball will start spinning (hey now…dont go there! LOL). One shot makes them drop and start firing.
all deployable items (gas tanks, boomboxes, ammo packs, etc.) invisible and inaudible to other players and the same applies in reverse, BUT other players still can destroy gas tanks.
Projectiles fired from the Experimental HP5 appear to travel in a straight line from another player’s perspective, without homing in on the target, even though the shooter sees them curve towards the target.
Current weapon not always showing right from other player’s perspective.
Me and my mate had a similar situation. Picked up my first exp HP5 and equipped it. My mate wasn’t able to see it in my hand and the shots fired from it.
Same with my exp meusser.
After he rejoined the game after a crash, He at least was able to see my HP5 and its shots.
A few of my buildings (turrets, barricades,…) are completely buried under the ground at Leräng Control Point and i can’t reach them to dismantle because they are not visible.
Noticed that after a base defence that pop up displays such as send of battle or a new base spawn do not appear. You have to exit the game and restart for that to resume.
I was completely unaware a base had spawned and leveled up to maximum.
I see these high pitched hissing contraptions are back again. They were gone between Showdown and the previous update but now when they drop the deafening hiss doesnt stop until you leave the area.
Not a bug I guess but the other night I found out about these evil things. I was just finishing off a firebird when I hear a buzz saw and saw my health dropping. I looked down and this thing was gnawing away at me. Two years and I never knew of these.
Had one funny incident too. I turned around and a hunter beside a tree had me targeted with his railgun. A doggo was behind the tree as well and it fired a rocket and it hit the tree blowing them both up. I didnt think they could kill each other that easily. Yes I’m easily amused.