Concept: New Weapons

Hes not wrong
harvesters drop a lot of bullets and they have no guns

you can stick a compensator on it

If so, tanks would be a .50 BMG and rocket farm

Doesn’t have tog be a farm. Who says they have to drop lots of ammo like they för now. I think there is to much ammo in the game. Sometimes I don’t even bother to aim. I just point in the direction of the Enemy and fire just so I can get rid of all the excessive ammo. So I wouldnt complain if they drop less. And if they only drop ammo to the weapons they have. Then we need to choose targets with more strategy based on what we need and what we are willing to spend in order to get it.

Edit. Got a new phone and it’s not on English auto correct so it changes some Words to what it think I’m writing in Swedish


Well, the ammo amount is adjustable in effect by increasing the difficulty in which case you have to use more ammo and get less back. If you want more, reduce the difficulty and take the scavenging skill that gives more ammo.
As most bots are destroyed in a fiery explosion I suppose most ammo should be ignited at destruction so it makes sense to not find a lot of ammo on defeated bots though :slight_smile:

I mean he’s not wrong
Gunpowder is very flammable

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