Constant Airstrike At Floda Control Point

Same as in the thread Constant Airstrike At Dyrbo Control Point is happening at several other control points. This one is the Floda (I think that is what its called) just north of the airfield in south farmlands. I also got the infinite headcrabs and the dead hunter spawning them too on the same video.

Sidenote: One of my characters was the engineer specialist and after reading that this might be the issue I have respec-ed it to be a marksman. Since doing this I have restarted the computer and game with no difference.

Platform: PC (Steam)

Description: Control point issue (Airstrikes, fireworks, guns atacking FNIX robots), infinite spawning ticks (alive and dead hunters)

Steps To Reproduce: Load into the home at the airbase, head north

Images / Videos: Generation Zero 2022 07 05 19 13 40 - YouTube

Host or Client: Host

Players in your game: One (myself)

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