Cross-platform play between PS4, Xbox and PC

Final Fantasy 14 is crossplay between PC, PS3 & PS4 soon going on a decade. There have been other games aswell.

In one of the dev streams, devs do explain why there is no cross-play between platforms as of yet; at 00:29:12,

See my friend wants to play with me but cant because the game isnt cross play pls devs make it crossplay!

Topics merged.


Cross platform for xbox playstation pc and switch would be nice and endless story line with side missions and theres and main land above the islands that would be interesting to traval the world in to time zone and more gun and add more survival to it like pills drink wills and food to hunt and fish for and increase the level limits .

Merged with relevant topic, and post edited.


call of duty and fornite and pbg and alot other games have cross play i bet yall would get more gamers so pls enable it

Cross-platform play isn’t some “switch” that you can just flip. It takes a lot of coding to get it work properly between different platforms.

Also, scroll up a bit in this topic, to see the link to the dev stream, where devs answered to that question.

Can you guys like add cross Platform play with friends in the future? I play on my PC and my friend plays PS4 and I showed him the trailer and he wants to get it but if you made it cross Platform it would make it more fun.

will you be able to play cross platform between xbox and PC.

I don’t believe so as the multiplayer is handled by Steam, Xbox Live and PS Plus (PC, Xbox, PS4 respectively), as such there would be no way to do it unless Valve, Microsoft and Sony all worked together and agreed to something I’m afraid.

Unless the game can be bought on the Microsoft store then no cross-platform sadly.

Tri13 8d

Im sorry but the devs have said in all of there streams that there will be no cross play between console and PC

will generation zero be cross platform specifically Xbox one and PC

I don’t believe cross platform will be available, not as it stands anyways as I’m pretty sure the multiplayer is handled by each platforms respective multiplayer service.

But take what I’ve said with a grain of salt as I could be wrong!

Unless the game can be bought on the Microsoft store then no cross-platform sadly…

Tri13 8d

Im sorry but the devs have said in all of there streams that there will be no cross play between console and PC


This game looked absolutely amazing! I was so hyped up to play on my xbox one with my friend while he plays on his computer until i found out this game is does not allow online cross play between platforms. From a technical standpoint… there should be no reason why this cannot be achieved. The servers know who you are… so why can’t they talk to eachother? Hint: (they can) . Look at fortnite… hundreds of millions of users from xbox, playstation, PC to even mobile that can all be in one game at once. Unfortunately my friend and i will not be buying this until it becomes online multi platformed as like i said… can be very easily achieved by the developers if they so choose. Great game, with even greater potential!

Sadly with a lot of games, sometimes it’s not the developers fault that cross platform isn’t allowed, but its the consoles companies itself. Xbox is known to be better with this stuff and allowing cross play but I know for a fact that Sony doesn’t like it much when people want to have cross play with games. The only two games I can think of that have cross play on PS4 are Rocket League and Fortnite. Let’s hope that the devs can negotiate a way to cross platform!


Most games aren’t cross-play lmao, literally not a big deal…stick to Fortnite then :face_vomiting: The loss of split-screen is a waaaaay larger issue than 2 people who don’t wanna play on the same platform!


There’s only a handful of games in existence that support cross platform play. Fortnite, Rocket League, Apex Legends and probably a few more that don’t come to mind. Sony basically don’t even allow people to share accounts between platforms (annoying as f**k, as I can’t play War Thunder on my PS4 while my computer does time consuming light rendering). Also, unless you’re an actual programmer who knows how to make games, don’t BS about stuff being easy. Nothing about making games is easy and if you’re talking about skilled devs having access to industry standard equipment and being paid what their labor is worth, nothing is cheap either.

While this title lacks a lot of desirable features, and cross-platform play is something I really want, your post is some A-grade entitled douchebaggery. It’s shit like this that convinced Bioware to make a generic cash grab looter shooter instead of another single player magnum opus like Mass Effect.


Sea of Thieves is cross play but it’s a Microsoft game so PC and Xbox makes sense. But this game is on all platforms making it more difficult. I doubt ps4 and Xbox are willing to do business on this game.