Dark Skies Update Discussion Thread

Yep, been doing that, as soon as any rival reaches level 4 it is taken out. still nothing.

I’ve been doing them as soon as they appear but nothing given.

I’ve now done multiple base assault and defence missions, taken down multiple L4 rivals and a Reaper, still haven’t received a single skin yet. Never got any Halloween loot either.

Seems like loot globally is just crap sincer Dark Skies. At least it is for me. Obviously this doesn’t seem to be the case for others though. I do get some large ammo drops from Firebirds (typically ammo I don’t actually need / use), but otherwise nothing of any significant importance or value. It’s been pretty bleak across the board.

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Which system do you play on? Sorry, I forgot.
On PS5 I didn’t get any skins until now, too, but I got tons of halloween-loot.

I must say, that after dark skies I in general just played in a friends game as client.

The few times I played in my game where just for some screenshots or videos, without fighting greater battles.

Guess I have been lucky, getting skins off level 1 rivals and tons of Halloween stuff off everything and everywhere. As soon as rivals spawn, I destroy them. And firebirds have been dropping a ton of 9MM SMG, 7.62 and .50 cal with an adv. health kit from time to time. Those 3 ammo types is what I use but I recycle it so I can sprint and fast travel, locker filled up quickly. It doesn’t take but a couple of the birds to make me to fat and so I ride a motorbike to battle and use it to get back to a safehouse.

I’m on Steam / PC.

Yeah, it’s odd. I didn’t get much time to play through the first little while after Dark Skies launched. I would get in, do my daily assignments (killing any rivals in my path) and log out.

I played most of the day last Sunday (first day of down time in a while), and then put in a couple of hours / day almost every day this week just killing stuff to get the skins and Halloween drops. I got nothin’. No Halloween loot at all, no weapon skins.

That seems to be what it drops for me mostly along with an adv medkit and some random junk tier loot. I’ve yet to see anything else. I see videos of folks playing on YouTube. People are getting drops of hundreds of rounds of 7.62 (both ball and AP variety), several dozen .50 rounds of both types, and various other high tier ammo. I’m lucky to get any 5.56, 7.62 or .50. And when I do, it’s no greater quantity than I’d get killing a random Hunter in the wild. In fact, in many cases, their loot drops are better.

Despite having the skill for increased ammo drops, I get next to nothing. 200 rounds of SMG ammo is kind of useless to me. Even recycling is useless as I have an excess of that stuff in my recycling table already. I pick up any AP since recycling gives copper. Otherwise, I ignore all the loot in Firebirds as it’s worthless to me.

This has to be something more than RNG bad luck.

Steam & PC here. Since the update I have looted 2 skins and a fair amount of .50 & 7.62 ammo. I have also shot down a bunch of Firebirds. Not much great stuff from Firebirds. Been having a lot of fun but where is the super great loot?

I see what people are getting in YouTube videos, so it’s obviously worthwhile for some to take them down. Pontus shot some down in his streams and it was like hitting the jackpot every time.

For me, it costs more in ammo to shoot them down than what I get out of them in loot. I’ll take a nice FNIX or Apocalypse Tank or Harvester over a Firebird any day. In some cases, even Hunters drop far better loot for me.

I’ve started a new character from scratch and have set the game on guerilla mode and it’s really brought life back to my gaming experience.

Low quality gear and a rookie fighter vs upgraded machines really makes the game challenging and exciting again, and the characters you introduced a couple of patches ago really establish the story line very well. I kind of feel like Therese acts as the voice of my character, she expresses verbally what I think the protagonist would be feeling most of the time.

Thank you for that.

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Ok, now I played some hours in my game.
I got 2 weapon skins and one motorbike skin.

Everything else in general was high as usual (skirmish).

Anyone else who didn’t get skins as clients, but in his/her own game? Maybe a bug.

Glad several people have noticed no skin drops and said it’s not down to RNG. I said this a couple of days ago and got my wrist smacked for saying otherwise.

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Downed several Firebirds earlier and actually got good loot from them for a change. What I got looked more like what I’ve seen people getting in gameplay videos - hundreds of rounds of decent ammo, particularly the stuff I use for a change. Very little trash-tier stuff. Still no weapon skins though.

Killed several rivals, a Reaper, destroyed a FNIX base, and did a base defense. Still no weapon skins.

To be clear, I don’t really care about skins one way or another. I just find it very odd that I haven’t had a single one drop as of yet when others have managed to collect them all within a couple of days.

Did you play as host or as client?

Playing solo. I’ve not really played any MP as a client (like I normally do in my friend’s game) since Dark Skies launched. We only had 1 multiplayer so far.

Yesterday I played again in my friends game.
Didn’t get any skins from loot again, but I got one from a base assault.

Later, when I wanted to apply the skin, I wondered that I already had all weapon skins.
I didn’t notice that I got the one for the magnus and the 12G yet.

Additionally I was sure just to have found the yellow skin for the motorbikes, but I was able to choose from 3 to 4 colors for each motorbike.

Either I found more than I noticed of, or my game copied the skins my buddy already found.
Anyone else with this observation?

Hmm… yes and no… While reading this thread I thought about what skins I’ve gotten so far and when was the last time I’ve gotten one ? :man_shrugging:
Aaaand realised immediately that there seems to be no separate display for weapon skins in my inventory or in my logs ? At least I couldn’t find one…

So I took all possible weapons in my inventory and found out that it seems I already have all 5 skins…
What ? :thinking:
But I’m not quite sure how as I actually only noticed getting the skins for AG4, the Shotgun and the KPist but I can’t remember getting the AG5 and the Magnus’ ones… :man_shrugging:
So I guess I lost track of them and didn’t really notice or they appeared magically in my inventory.

I’m playing solo so definitely no skins from a buddy for me. Didn’t try the motorbikes yet so I’m not sure what I might have for them.

This is how I’ve confirmed I don’t have any skins as of yet. Took out each gun and checked to see if I may have picked up skins without realizing it. And nope, I have none as of yet.

If your not sure what Drop your looking for and what Weapon they are for:

Grafifiti Resistance is for the 12 gauge pumpgun
Swedish Snow is for the Automatgevær 5
Swedish Forest is either for the Automatgevær 4 or Kpist
Swedish Resistance is either for the Automatgevær 4 or Kpist
Gold is for the .44 Magnus

Item Drop in the Loot Window of Rival wreaks


Sadly the Weapon it’s for is not listed on the Skin drop itself.
And Unlike other cosmetics each have only dropped once for me.
The only way to make sure you’ve gotten any is to inspect the Weapons attachments and see if you have any Skin available. <.<
Just like Crunchmeister mentioned above.

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I use hacking skill. And the new Firebird is extremely easy to hack. 90% . So if there are two in the sky just hack one over and over again until one of them shots the other down. I believe that is not intended since it makes things way to easy. 90% probability of success is way to high for an enemy that advanced.


I wish there was a way to start a truly new game with the new new world mechanic. I don’t want to be tempted by my experimental weapons every time I go to a new home base.