Did we lose slot memory? (Item slot regression)

I just took on my first reaper after the update and I hope it wasn’t a glitch, but that thing was hard to beat. Went through 20 advance health kits in less than 5 minute of fighting him. Since 20 is how many I normally carry I had to restock.

I reloaded my depleted supply and went back to battle. They have always been on the #7 key and I press 7 repeated and then press tab to bring up the wheel and #7 slot was still empty!! So I had the reassign the med kits.

Did we lose the memory part when we got the wheel?

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No glitches, the Reaper is an endgame boss. He’s supposed to be hardcore.

If you run out of a stack of medkits (or other items) in one of the slots, you have to reattach them to that slot.

Edit: I stand corrected.

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Yes, it was not my first reaper to fight, sorry if I hinted it was. And it’s behavior and the machines around it where not the same as in the past battles. The reaper was in the deep woods, making it hard to get a clean shot, doing it thermobartic (spelling?) blast repeatedly and dropping runners almost non-stop. Which the runners then would keep me in crossfire, kick me out from hiding from the blast and it was awesome! Sorry, got off topic.

But a few updates ago, if you used up consumables to the point a slot was emptied then when you looted more or replaced from locker it went back into the same slot. It was one of the highlights of the update.
It was in the Nov 2020 update.

  • [Community Report] Item slots will remember your last equipped item, so if you run out of first aid kits and then loot one more, it will automatically be assigned to the same slot

You’re right about consumables being reassigned to the previous slot. I guess the new wheel of questionable popularity changed that. I’ll have to test it myself.


Moved to #bug-reports, since it’s something that seems to be not working as it should.


Moving this to Support and Bug Reports instead of Feedback/Feature Requests, because it apparently is a regression.

Platform: Steam, Windows 10, Gamepad

Long description:
When a player drop a gadget on the ground and it results in the Radial Menu’s slot being now empty, the action of picking back that same gadget on the ground should automatically put the item back in the same slot. I also think that it should apply when “re-supplying”, which is when the player find a pile of medkits or a new car battery : they should go in their previous slot, unless it’s currently occupied by something else.

Expected behaviour:

  1. Player drop their only gas canister (I play in French, sorry) on the ground.
  2. The slot in the radial menu becomes, and remains empty.
  3. Player pick the gas canister back or find a new one somewhere else.
  4. The same slot in the radial menu is automatically bound to the gas canister and the picture of it is displayed in the menu.

Observed behaviour:

  1. Player drop their only gas canister (I play in French, sorry) on the ground.
  2. The slot in the radial menu becomes, and remains empty.
  3. Player pick the gas canister back or find a new one somewhere else.
  4. Player witness that the gas canister is not back in the radial menu.
  5. Player open the full-screen inventory menu.
  6. Player identify the icon of the gas canister.
  7. Player select the icon of the gas canister.
  8. Player press the button to start assigning a new slot for the gas canister.
  9. Player places the gas canister icon back to where it expected it to go.

Images / Videos:

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This was reported earlier here

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Thanks a lot for letting me know!

Oh! Sorry! I did not know that it was a regression!

I think my entry is clearer though. I submitted it here instead of support.generationzero.com because I read somewhere that feedbacks had to go in the forum.

Now… … If that’s a regression… … I might as well will open a ticket on ZenDesk… :thinking:

Merged with main thread and adjusted title for clarity.

Thanks for flagging, @Bowi :+1:


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One more thing that could be part of it…

Every time I start the game, I start with the weapon/item placed on the upper slot of the wheel (for me in general the exp. Klaucke), although I had a different one selected when quitting the game.

Additionally I’m not able to switch to another weapon/item (second last one used before quitting) by pressing triangle.
So I first have to select my primary weapon, then my secondary weapon and then can start running around as usual.

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