Difficulty Setting

Okay what happens when people of are too good at the game and find it too easy on the hardest difficulty?

I guess the same as when there is no difficulty setting. They get bored.


Thats right you did tell me why and I dissagree with you and told you why it is a terrible idea to have only one difficulty setting. And reviews have a huge impact on the decisions of buy a game although they are only opinions and not the ultimate measurement of quality.
And if it is stil to easy, they could add an ultra hardcore mode with perma death where everything in the game oneshots you and there are no health packs.

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if the game is too easy for you you can challenge yourself by only using lower quality weapons, not using health packs or different things to make it interesting, but if itā€™s too hard there isnā€™t much you can do about it.
I could see your point if we were saying the game needs to be easier for everyone but adding additional settings shouldnā€™t threaten anyone. not everyone considers themselves a hardcore gamer and may just want to have fun playing a game.


In ā€œCampaign modeā€ they would have tasks - i.e. to patrol that stretch, guard that bridge. If you took out a tank, they might have to replace it with what they had available - perhaps a couple of Hunters. Those on patrol would go on patrol and you could sneaky-beaky wait for them to pass.

I want every kill to be significant - to fell that I had advanced the cause.

Now, what you could do might be to make it that every machine when it dies, sends out a distress/location call, which is received by a Harvester which trundles over and repairs it. That I could cope with. Then if you kill a Harvester (which would be way better protected) you would be seriously degrading the enemy.


I never said the game was too easy and if I did I should not have. The game difficulty in its current state is perfectly moderate to the point where itā€™s relatively challenging to new players whilst not being head poundingly annoyingly difficult for the majority of players. The purpose of the game like any other is to appease the ā€œmajorityā€.

I was answering this

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When was this again?

I donā€™t know how easy (or not so) it would be for the devs to implement an adjustable difficulty setting, but another idea is to have a system where the game itself constantly adjusts the difficulty depending on ones gameplay (ie how good one is at it). Iā€™ve played at least one game that worked like that, canā€™t remember which one though.

Of course, to implement that kind of system would probably require a total rework and therefore totally out the question.

That sounds great on paper, but how would they implement this feature?

Most of the issue for many people seems to be raw stats of the bots or how many bots there are. That should be trivial to implement a manually controlled difficulty setting for.

The problem is that that causes issue with matchmaking. You would have to find a group with the same difficulty setting as you, or run the risk of ruining someone elseā€™s game.

The correct approach here is to scale the difficulty automatically based on the number of people in game, ideally by tweaking stats of bots that arenā€™t in combat on the fly. In essence, the same thing the Borderlands game series does (something joins, everything gets a bit tougher, they leave, everything gets a bit easier), which should not be hard to implement either.


Thatā€™s actually a good idea. Nice.

This is a paid product, no one from the company ā€œgave it awayā€ and asking to enjoy a purchase is not in any way unreasonable. It is in the best interest of the devs to provide an enjoyable experience for both hardcore and casual players. There is a ton of sales lost (revenue) when the game can not be tailored to different gaming styles.


Most difficult setting are just preset sliders like damage +/-% about the same work they invested with bike development and craft table theory placements on the map.

Iā€™d like to see the difficult setting because I want new game plus and if they added that others than would soon complain about having the game easier or harder. So I believe in a two bird with one stone philosophy.

Personally the game is pretty easy on solo. Harder on coop.
Not sure why but I have 2 consoles and TVs next to each other I do see some odd ball things happening when the wife and I play when she does. Sigh :pensive: Iā€™m a coop guy and she is seldom. So I tend to play more solo. As for the odd ball things. Iā€™ll shoot auto and see primary critical blue sparks and she sees at times opposite oranges. Or Iā€™ll be riding a bike a head of her and on her screen Iā€™m off the road behind her going through trees. And when we do coop itā€™s on her game since my missions all bugged and bug out on my game. Not to mention my 2nd player doing odd things like press triangle and menus pop on, or shooting auto and it keeps stopping auto fireā€”- good thing I got that trophy out of the way. I like seeing it snow on my screen and not on here and seeing snow gradually paint. Helps realize the attention to detail the devs do.

P.s. I donā€™t respect people disrespecting on others by telling them to get better. Thereā€™s always a reason why some one canā€™t invest time in repetition to be better. Or some of us few have a varied disability that also makes it rough and we arenā€™t willing to admit it out of fear if embarrassment. So if some one suggests something keep your opinions respectful.


Gā€™day. Iā€™m 58 and have been gaming since the mid 80ā€™s (started with tape player loaded gamesā€¦) but am in full agreeance with Alan on this as I also am having some problems with staying alive.

The game needs a difficulty setting as I use this to ā€˜learnā€™ the game mechanics and then ā€˜up the anteā€™ when I am comfortable with the controls and how well I can manage the carnage.

And talking of controls (not sure if this has been covered in other topics) but the controller UI is, well, crapola. It needs to be fully adjustable as I use it over mouse/keyboard (luckily I have a macro mouse and keyboard), but currently I have had to revert as I can not customise my controller settings to the way that I want, aiming with the controller is real ā€˜hit and missā€™ affair and very unrealistic (35 years ex-Army from the ā€˜pointy endā€™).

And I must say that the use of firstaid packets is a very good option, HOWEVER, there are too many of them, itā€™s like being able to insta heal every combat situation, if possible why not include another skill, first-aid, where you ā€˜fixā€™ yourself and ā€˜healā€™ overtime.

Enough dribble from me, back to your scheduled mayhem.



Welcome to the community! :wink:

I believe it was the comment before yours which I found offensive also. You did a nice job helping with good info.

I also like to play the first run through of a game on ā€œEasyā€ level to figure out how things work. Then, if the game is worth it, play through again on a harder level.

Welcome to the community!

Options setting to make robotā€™s respawn faster me and my baby brother rip through the tanks and harvesters too quickly would love to have a faster enemy respawn option

That would be cool or in game it be fun if the large siren spawns bots

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