Disappearing/Glitching enemies

Hi guys, my names Corey and I joined the Gen Zero community late November of last year. First off, I absolutely love the game. The world itself is staggering, it’s beautiful. The enemies are incredibly challenging, and I really like the weapons chosen for the game. The issue I’m currently having is with disappearing and glitching enemies. I am playing on Xbox One. The latest encounter happened in the Church west of Savared. I entered combat with 2 runners, the first one charged and leaped at me as I pulled my shotgun trigger and fired. Only midway through the gunshot animation, both runners disappeared, and my shotgun completely stopped firing mid animation. I’ve also noticed when I use houses for cover against Hunters, they will glitch into the house and get stuck in the hallways of the first floor, unable to move or shoot. This has happened multiple times but I’m not discouraged from the game, as I said I absolutely love it and will continue to play it. I’d be happy to try to record some of these instances on my Xbox capture if that would help you with future patching, I’m just trying to show support and help out as I only want this game to become more popular. Thanks for all your hard work, and we all love what you guys are doing. Cheers!


Was there a harvester around in the first case with the runners?

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No just the runners. It showed entered combat, they charged me and then they both disappeared and the gun stopped firing. It didn’t show escaped combat, it was like it never happened. It was also night time in the game, don’t know if that tells anyone anything

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It’s interesting. We tracked down a disappearing runner bug before, but it was specific to harvester escorts. There are a few different enemy bugs, but yours is new to me.


Yeah this was strictly 2 runners. I came directly out of the church front door and they were both patrolling to my left side. Honestly there could have been a harvester in the area but I didn’t feel/hear it and all I saw in my field of vision were the 2 runners. That’s only ever happened once, the Hunter issue happens once every few days.

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I’m not sure what causes the hunter one. Some enemies do a little slide to the left before a melee attack, and I think their position is interpolated to the new one without doing physics but that’s not the “teleporting” bug. It’s a known one, probably to do with how the squad tried to take positions and flank you.

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That sounds reasonable because they’re always spread out around the house when the first one glitches his way inside. Thats the only 2 enemies I’ve had issues with though the ticks, harvesters and tanks all seem to be fine.

I had a hunter glitch into the police station on Himfjäll. Initially I thought it only happens with thin walls like barns and is due to physics (collision detection).

Anyways, happens quite often. Hopefully gets fixed soon. Cover should be cover.

The 2 runners might have wondered off from the escort. Due to range constraints, sometimes only part of the pack gets suspicious and diverts from the route.

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That’s a really good thought maybe those runners were possibly part of a harvester pack that got diverted by my previous sounds. That would explain why that only happened once.

The hunter issue is definitely a weird one. At the end of the day really I shouldn’t complain because the hunters can’t do anything stuck in the wall so I get in easy kill and free loot, just kind of feel like I’m cheating the game and that’s not what I wanna do at all.

Usually they appear behind you inside a building. A bit of a rude surprise :stuck_out_tongue:


Actually the popping up behind me is one of my favorite parts. I love the horror aspect of the game and turning around to that is a terribly scary surprise. I usually have to run away and pause so I can get through my mini heart attack haha!


Another case of state change when you look away? (cf. disappearing escort, spawning loot boxes…)

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Same thing about vanishing runners has happened to me too. Several times. Both with and without a Harvester included. I’m on Xbox One too.

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I would think it would almost have to be, it just fits in too perfectly

The runner issue is probably gonna be an Xbox exclusive bug then it’s interesting you said with and without a harvester. I’ve only seen it once but I believe I’ll try to engage more harvesters to see if I can recreate it.

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It’s not XBox specific.

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Oh OK I didn’t see this post, thank you sir.

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Actually I saw an isolated group of Runners disappear yesterday. Apparently it’s not as common as disappearing Harvester escorts but obviously it happens.

It could, of course, still be part of a Harvester escort. Maybe they got disconnected and wandered of or something. Maybe the Harvester to which they originally belonged blew up or drowned.


I fought with a Harvester who was over the hill just yesterday. I attacked him and hid behind the hill several times, he answered with artillery to my last position each time. And I almost finished him and his entire escort (Hunters). However, the last Hunter just ran past me (I hid in the barn), threw out the ticks and disappeared. I destroyed the ticks, left the barn, and could no longer find the Hunter. I used flares and fireworks, but it was quiet. Then I ran over the hill and didn’t find the Harvester either. He couldn’t have gone so far. It was a creepy and mystical moment. :scream: :robot: :ghost: The only thing is a pity for the resources spent on the Harvester.