I thought about new ways, new features and maybe a possible way to new islands in the northern part of the map.
I had the idea, that especially in the northern parts of the map (and himfjäll), where often the landscape and weather are snowy, there could be frozen lakes or parts of the shore that are frozen.
It would be really cool if you (and machines) could walk on them as long as they are frozen. But be cautious, the ice could break.
Tanks, harvesters for example would identify frozen lakes as terrain they can walk on. But they are too heavy and too strong and the ice will break.
Same with explosions on the ice.
Wolves could drive over the ice. But if they transform and stand up for using their gattling, they break through, too.
We would get some shortcuts, maybe even ways to new caves or hidden places that you could just reach by ice. And we would get a natural trap.
Maybe they could even realize that you slip and slide on the ice… And the machines, too. Imagine a runner trying to ram you, but slipping away. Or us using a motorbike on ice sliding in circles around some hunters, then a hunter tries his melee jump attack, rams his sword into the ice and breaks through.
Well, just keep in mind that the coolest action or trap on ice would cause, that you don’t get the loot. But you would be able to get rid of some machines easily… Always with the risk to break through by yourself.
Once broken, the ice could recover within the next 4 hours being ingame.
One more idea was that the way to get to a new dlc-island could also be over a frozen part.
Players who don’t own the dlc could break through the ice and respawn at the shore.
What do you think?