[Floating Objects] Since there isn't already a topic for floating objects

at 2202, 3152
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Leftover writing from a collectable mixtape:

Don’t know if these count as “map issues” but they constitute problems with the environment even though they’re indoors. Check video links for exact locations:

Seems like the more appropriate place for this post.


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I’ve recently found a “floating stone”. It’s located exactly at the coordinates:
2991, -2355
Are you interested in such minor bug reports? Or am I overreacting? :stuck_out_tongue:

Reply moved into more appropriate topic.


Location: Bunker on -1820,078 -1983.853

Screenshots about it are in my reply above. (Aka, it’s already reported by me.)

I don’t think the boat got the memo about what it’s supposed to do when it’s out of water :thinking:
But to be real I have a sneaky suspicion the rocking animation, is like up to the boat asset, you guys should look into that because it kinda breaks the immersion :smile:

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Topics merged. Good to have it on video, though.


That’s hilarious! XD

At 1359 / -166 there’s a floating lamp that should be attached to the wall.

(Playstation 4) Maybe not exactly a floating object, but I’ve discovered a magic door at Måsskär, in front of the caved in burning house. (Approximate coordinates -1787, 3648)

It can be opened and closed, but unfortunately it won’t take you anywhere. :confused:

Floating barrels etc. around big shed:

Floating stump, floating pole, floating pallets:

Floating bricks and fireplace:

Floating rock:

Floating truck:

Floating rock:

Floating cart at IGA facility:

In Saltham church there is a floating tool box which I thought in the archipelago region update that they’d notice it

At the edge of the huge mountain in where the camp above is, there is a load of floating grass and a tree is partly out of the ground