[Floating Objects] Since there isn't already a topic for floating objects


That is actually very good news. If the cause can be identified and reversed then a lot of issues could be fixed with minimal effort.

Could be, of course. But then it still looks silly when they intersect a shelf. :wink:

These two are a little more serious, if you ask me, since they are collectables.

And there is something extra going on with both in terms of their locations/icons/counters. So I’m not sure if it belongs here or in a separate bug report.

1 . Machine blueprint inside the desk in Beredskapsförråd 113:

Also there is no collectable counter when hovering over the location icon:

2 . Another machine blueprint inside the desk in some other Beredskapsförråd:

Which one remains the big question though. First this appeared on-screen:

After this “LOC:”, it showed that I had discovered some “Beredskapsförråd” but I was a tad too slow with taking a screenshot. And shortly thereafter the game crashed again so I lost the recording.

And no map icon to be seen:

I’ve noticed that loot boxes and other stuff floats in the air in some houses. My theory is that blowing up the fuse box on the house’s outside wall rearranges the stuff inside the house, and someiimes this stuff forgets that gravity should apply to them too.

@Voodoo - good call. I have a big stack of bugs to report but haven’t got my arse in gear to upload them with comments. One of them is this one. The bunker is full of snow underground and the snow even covers the collectable blueprint. The bug I think is the snowfall inside the bunker, not that the collectable is hidden in the desk.

The snow … good point! That totally bypassed my brain somehow. Maybe the time had something to do with it. :wink:

Then this probably should be in bug reports. What do you think @Zesiir?

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Yep, it looks worthy of it’s own bug report. I went there the other day and it’s a strange place indeed. It snows inside the bunker and there are layers of snow indoors, covering the machine blueprint… It looks absolutely rediculous.

ONT, Forgotten floating tree at Stenmyra


floating back pack

Like when a backpack is on a chair. You can push the chair away and the bag floats.

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Let’s report this once and for all.

Småbåtshamnen. Cool scene, but a few oddities.

Not only does the metal scaffold thing lack any sort of hitbox, the boat above it has a floating animation!
Probably an oversight, like someone put the wrong boat prop up there in the first place.


Floating powerline post at Norra Saltholmen. Unless it’s deliberately strung up by the wires…


floating car
ostervik port

Lännbacka - floating bricks