[Floating Objects] Since there isn't already a topic for floating objects

Leftover writing from a collectable mixtape:

Don’t know if these count as “map issues” but they constitute problems with the environment even though they’re indoors. Check video links for exact locations:

Seems like the more appropriate place for this post.


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I’ve recently found a “floating stone”. It’s located exactly at the coordinates:
2991, -2355
Are you interested in such minor bug reports? Or am I overreacting? :stuck_out_tongue:

Reply moved into more appropriate topic.


Location: Bunker on -1820,078 -1983.853

Screenshots about it are in my reply above. (Aka, it’s already reported by me.)

I don’t think the boat got the memo about what it’s supposed to do when it’s out of water :thinking:
But to be real I have a sneaky suspicion the rocking animation, is like up to the boat asset, you guys should look into that because it kinda breaks the immersion :smile:

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Topics merged. Good to have it on video, though.


That’s hilarious! XD

At 1359 / -166 there’s a floating lamp that should be attached to the wall.

(Playstation 4) Maybe not exactly a floating object, but I’ve discovered a magic door at Måsskär, in front of the caved in burning house. (Approximate coordinates -1787, 3648)

It can be opened and closed, but unfortunately it won’t take you anywhere. :confused:

Floating barrels etc. around big shed:

Floating stump, floating pole, floating pallets:

Floating bricks and fireplace:

Floating rock:

Floating truck:

Floating rock:

Floating cart at IGA facility:

In Saltham church there is a floating tool box which I thought in the archipelago region update that they’d notice it

At the edge of the huge mountain in where the camp above is, there is a load of floating grass and a tree is partly out of the ground

I’m the safehouse that’s borderd up near a shooting range there’s a baby chair inside a bed one of the yellow ones it is really outta place it’s in the cushions and the whole bed.

In other houses there are floating lamps like in the village near the marshlands lighthouse and a door that opens into a counter, it clips through and always smashes the lamp behind which annoys me when I’m trying to hide from robots

There is a tractor in a barn near the edge of the farmlands to the mountain region and there is a tractor with two tool boxes in the same place