FMTEL Assignments not tracking

The assignment instructs you to shut down a machine. Not destroy it. So I presume any EMP delivery method is acceptable based on the assignment description.

Didn’t work for me, too (base defense and emp).

I tried emp rounds from the granatgevär, medium emps (tried to use them without being seen), and an emp-burst by destroying the wall box at a house.

Next time I’ll not activate all possible assignments at once, but one after the other (completed).

I don’t know in which order they were, but maybe there is a problem just with the second assignment you want to complete. If you activate them all at once and complete the first it will be removed and the second assignment moves to first position. Maybe there is bug that the game wants you to complete the second activated position in the list… But there is no second any more. :man_shrugging:

What about you? Did you all activate them all by once, too or just step by step?

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All at once like you.

Yea I activated them all at once, same issues.
(Xbox 1)

Well I tried one more shut down action on a runner and suddenly the assignment is gone. No notification of completion.

Still something strange is going on.
Yesterday I had 10 resistance points.

This is the screenshot of the assignments before I started them this morning 27-02-2022.

And this is screenshot from now after I have finished 2 assignments.

So how did I go from 10 to 13 resistance points, with doing only 2 assignments?
Did it count the “shut down a machine with an EMP” assignment after all, or what?

I think it did. Mine is the same but will check tonight to confirm.

Both those assignments listed in your screenshot were completed successfully.

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Check your screenshot. :wink:
The easy ones give 1 point as reward, the medium ones 2 points… In general.

The assignments (both medium) on your screenshot gave you 1 and 2 points.


Ok. Thanks man. Hadn’t seen that. So for hard assignments we should get 3 points. :+1:

If there will be any… :man_shrugging:

Odd thing about yesterdays assignments was that the easy one gave 2 points while the medium one only gave 1 …
Not that it was really “harder” than the easy one but it was marked as medium… :thinking:
Odd… :man_shrugging:

I wonder if it is planned that it’s possible to reach the tank reward package each week. :thinking:

And should it only be possible if you complete ALL assignments in a week or if you may miss some? :man_shrugging:

I did all three assignments today which should yield a total of five resistance points, but I only got four.
I believe that the “disassemble” assignment did not track correct, but it was gone from the list.

Today there is one.
“Destroy 3 wolves”, which lasts about one week.
My counter went a little bit wrong, I had to destroy 4 ones because my third didn’t count.

My assignments completed without an issue. But there was a slight delay of completion notification.

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Another one that is not completing.

Tenebris reported two last week including the EMP one. So though the assignment are much improved and now much more fun to complete a few bad ones are slipping through.

Again, if anyone has completed this one. Would love you to describe how you managed it.

Bright side is I have done several additional base defence missions and scored more uranium and another EXP m/49. :grinning:

Have you fully repaired a fully destroyed structure? If so I don’t need to try this.

For me that would mean rebuild instead of repair. But that’s not the assignment.

I’ll try to repair some while in a wave and between two waves and will report, if it worked.
Just give me 10 hours, as I always play late. :wink:

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Indeed, and I repaired a structure that was not fully destroyed, and I did it in between waves. But it failed.
I might try it once more but repair during a wave. You never know. :grin:

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I tried that as well. No joy.

Not yet. I wonder if that is what it is? Though rebuild is entire different to fully repair.