FNIX Outpost Turrets keep shooting when destroyed

Turret at this small FNIX structure keeps firing even when the turret is shot off.

PC steam


I wonder why it’s even still there.
It was a base from a procedual mission in the beginning of the procedual missions, but just worked once for me.

Since then the base is there, the destroyables reappear after a while, but it doesn’t have any use any more.

Is it intended or a bug?

I think it still is used in a procedural mission, but it stays in the Gz-world when the mission is done.

The turrets at this FINX outpost fire after they are destroyed.

I got the weekly mission, FINX outpost sabotage, and fast traveled to Anl 182 Hasslehed. The outpost was to the north and I took out the turrets with my Experimental Pvg 90. When I got closer they made the alert sound and started firing even though the turret was not there.


I also got this problem. It was the side mission “FINX outpost sabotage” by Boo church. I also took them out with the Exp PVG 90. I was in multiplayer and both of us had the same issue.
I tried to go back to see if I could get a screenrecording, but the outpost had despawned.

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And you’re sure that it was the same turret?
Sometimes there are some next to each other or behind each other.
Also sometimes it can be confusing after you shot a turret, saw an explosion and then saw that it’s still intact, but realize that it wasn’t the turret itself but its armor which was shot off.

I took out all of them and they still locked on, made the sound and started shooting. I died to one of them. I am 100% sure that they were “dead”. The turret wasn’t even there and it still shot.

I will find another outpost and and see if it happens there too
Yeah no. It only happend at the Outpost Sabotage.


OP is correct, I too had this just now. All turrets were destroyed, yet they fire upon player.


But just in the FNIX outpost sabotage?

Yes, just that mission for this week. Try it and you will see similar results.

Yes, took down all four that I saw and got shot at by air.

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Yes, it was the FNIX outpost sabotage. It is fine for base assaults.

Ok, did it. And the turrets indeed were still active after destroying them:


I also had the same problem yesterday when resetting the Finx CPU on the side mission

Managed to destroy the 3 turrets covering the entrance with my LMG just to get killed later from the one inside that I also destroud with the same LMG. Then runing around the outpost to fight some Wolf’s the destroyd ones on backside also firing at me.

Moved to @Gysbert’s report thread, and adjusted title.


I had this issue today, shot in the back as i left the base…

Nice vid and Darth Vader sound :laughing:

Mmh I don’t know what you mean, sir.

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