FNIX Rising - The Vanguard's Review

FNIX Rising is complete. It was worth the 9 week wait - and I’m still enjoying it.

There were few grey area’s to the specifics to some of the new challenge menu requirements that were frustrating at times. In this video - I cover my approach to getting the main 3 challenges including : Music Soothes the Soul, Numbing Expert, and the final tier of Anarchy.

Bonus footage also includes the Eagle Eye task, with the support from the Generation Zero community in the official forum. Full guide below, along with a full guide to any other challenges.

Inventory Wise - I went with explosive tanks, boomboxes, and car battery’s. Remember with radios - they work like a grenade and can be thrown with stamina charge. And if your going to allow players to open the bonnet of a car - there should be car battery’s available.

Locations for spawn. Enemy refresh rate is 4 hours GAME TIME, so restart to re-spawn.

Tier 1 Machines - ( -1342.193 , 3619.900 )
Tier 2 Machines - ( 655.723 , -415.777 )
Tier 3 Machines - ( -591.082 , 677.907 )
Tier 4 Machines - ( 3750.982 , 132.038 ) & ( 4854.044 , -752.133 )

Tier 4 “Alleyway Setup” - ( 3782.784 , 71.524 )

I’ve some spare gear for anyone on XBOX needed a top-up on supplies. GT / Alias DJA

Happy hunting.

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