Following Camera while Driving

I wish the camera could be locked behind the driver when driving, i recently lost some fuctionality in my left arm due to cancer. And now i can’t drive in my favourite game because the camera doesn’t follow… It’s not a demand, but a request so i can be able to drive again.



Sorry to read that.
Your suggestion is a good one.
At least it should be an option which can be activated/deactivated in the menu.

Wasn’t it once like that? I remember that I had issues to watch around while driving because the camera often reset behind the character. Or isn’t it like that any more? :thinking:

@Zesiir could you change the title a bit (Something with accesibility)?

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I play Thehunter call of the wild, have same thing with the atv with a important difference. I can go to 1’st person view and it’s all good… maybe that could be done here too ?

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That’s something I already suggested a while ago.

The only thing i need is to be able to drive with one hand, if it is camera follow or 1’st person, doesn’t really matter. I just wanna be able to drive :slight_smile:


More accessibility options are always good to have. I’ll forward this.