I’ve seen that a lot of people are thinking that the Fredrik in Mullvadsberget Ringfort is the one and only: Fredrik Holberg, the Director of FOA and creator of the FNIX program.
However, i don’t think so. Instead, i think Fredrik in Ringfort is a (well placed) red herring.
How come?
Well, let’s 1st look at the three points why people think Ringfort Fredrik is Fredrik Holberg.
- First name
Both the Ringfort Fredrik and Fredrik Holberg share the same first name. However, sharing the same first name doesn’t make them the same person. I’m quite sure that Fredrik is popular name in the Sweden. - “Kapten” brand snus
While there are four “Kapten” brand snus cans next to Ringfort Fredrik, there is no telling if those are his. And even if those are his, “Kapten” brand snus could very well be popular snus brand in Sweden. Just because Fredrik Holberg uses “Kapten” brand snus, we can’t assume that every male that also uses “Kapten” brand snus is instantly Fredrik Holberg. - Possibly the same face?
Here, we have two different images of Fredrik Holberg and then we have Ringfort Fredrik’s face.
In the Fredrik Holberg character bio:
In the Iron Church:
Ringfort Fredrik (from Tene’s vid):
I can clearly tell that in the char bio and on the security badge, there are two different people. So, question is, which one is the correct one?
Well, in the char bio file, the name isn’t written as “Holberg, F”, if the image would be of Fredrik Holberg, but instead as “Holberg, J”. Moreover, if your security badge image doesn’t match with your face, you wouldn’t be able to enter the facility, making me to believe that on the security badge is the real face of Fredrik Holberg, while on the char bio, there could be Fredrik Holberg’s son, with the name of “Janus Holberg” or any other Swedish male first name that starts with J.
Also, the Ringfort Fredrik is way closer match to the “Holberg, J” than Fredrik Holberg seen on security badge. Ringfort Fredrik and “Holberg, J” both appear to be in their 30s while Fredrik Holberg security badge image appears to be 50+ in age.
And here are 3 facts from the game (my evidence) which doesn’t argee Ringfort Fredrik being Fredrik Holberg.
- Side mission “Energy independence”:
From the mission data, it’s seen that while Ringfort Fredrik joined the camp lately, he was observing machine structures and was thinking that it won’t take long for machines to occupy entire Östertön.
However, real Holberg knew very well that once FNIX takes control, the entire Östertön is lost. Hence why he ordered the population evacuation.
This is the 1st, albeit the weakest clue of Ringfort Fredrik not being Fredrik Holberg.
- Side mission “Fuel to the Fire”:
Ringfort Fredrik has 0 clue about harvesters or what they do. All he knows is what he has observed. The real Fredrik Holberg knows exactly that those machines are Ingenjörsmaskin 80 - “Oxen” and what they are capable of, since he, personally, oversaw their design and construction.
This is a good evidence of Ringfort Fredrik not being Fredrik Holberg.
- Side mission “Synapses”:
From mission info: “… Fredrik, recently received a transmission in Morse code from a certain Holberg.”
In which reality one person can exist in two different places at the same time? Also, why send a Morse code message to yourself?
In mission item, we can read that Ringfort Fredrik, at one point, was in the Minken command bunker and while sheltering there, he heard that Morse code. Thing is, if Ringfort Fredrik is Fredrik Holberg, he would not need to transcribe or even hear that message since he would already know the contents of that message.
To me, this is the best evidence of showing Ringfort Fredrik being just another random survivor, with 0 clue about machines or what is going on, rather than being Fredrik Holberg.