Game tactic and where to use them

As @Zesiir states, church towers should be used with care. If one of the machines has a rocket launcher you can get seriously hurt. I love the “DONGGG” of the bell, though. Another thing is that machines closes in on the walls to get cover. Then you’ll have to jump unto the window opening, and that exposes you. And you risk falling out. So church towers can be effective, but you’ll have to work a bit. Btw, hunter destruct soo easily when attacked directly from above.

One should always be careful, I never had an issue so far…?

I love watching Hunter Patrols march past and wait until they are out of earshot before continuing my merry way…

Pretty much perfectly. I had a Runner step on me by accident once (I was well hidden).

Patience, reconnaisasance, good fire positions, don’t get sky-lined, use the terrain, use the map to plan your route, break your journey into “bounds”, place a marker at the end of each bound, don’t use roads, work out your emergency RVs before each bound (i.e. where you will run if you get bumped), cover from fire, cover from view, etc. etc…


@Bootie, you are speaking my language. If you are on PC we should play co-op. I am happy to hid in a bush-filled muddy gully for ten minutes while a patrol of hunters goes by, I find that level of tension just isn’t found in many video games.

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Yes I am. I’d love to. I tried once with Bazl but his game kept crashing as he tried to come in.

I must admit sometimes I have to take a deep breath before stepping out of a safe-house and in the woods I can hear my own heart thumping. I suppose the zombie part of Half-Life (with the mad old priest) had the same effect, but not since then. The world is so realistic and you feel so alone at times, especially when you are in uncharted territory. I’m starting to run out of that now, but I haven’t been to the North-East yet. I’m hoping for more islands to open up. It’ll have to be a leaky rowing boat for those, won’t it? “Use” like bikes, and after ten minutes it sinks. Something like that.

The most epic journey was just after I finished the South Coast, I went north to Klinte to look for a weapon and after that to Normyra, and then East to the ruins to pick up the sniper rifle. That was hairy!

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Enjoy it while you can.
I used to play like that, and had a blast. Eventually though familiarity bred contempt, and the machines lost much of their terror. And now that the challenge system further incentivizes kills where previously I might have gone around or outrun the machines, I find myself hunting them. Oh well.

A great tactic is using a good (surround) headset.
Listen and plan accordingly.

Stock up on plenty of flares too, since their duration is very short.

Smoke grenades also work to stealthily make your way in or out.
Just don’t be spotted, machines tend to see through smoke once they have aquired you.


I never bother to carry smoke grenades. I assumed that the machines would spot that a grenade had been thrown and since they seem to be quite useless I’ve never bothered. Tell me more…

Run around tanks in an open field, if you use this tactic they are easy to take down.

BTW Xezr sorry about making a new thread, I had no idea that this one existed. :slight_smile:

Generally, I like to stay crouched when close to enemies or inside houses. Flashlight off if it can be. I like to draw enemies to houses, and fight them from there. Sometimes I try to place gas tanks or other explosives outside the house which I can shoot at later on. I’ll turn off all the lights and attack from 2nd floor balconies or windows if I can. Also, if possible, I will hop onto the roof and use it as cover when attacking.

I’m somewhat new to this game, so interested to hear other tactics as well!

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A good tip for fighting tanks and/or harvesters is to try and lure them into an open field, then duck behind a shed or something, and try to shoot their guns off. This deals a load of damage to them and renders them non-lethal from a range. Tanks can still use their charge attack on you, and harvesters can still use their airblast attack. Even with these short ranged attacks, they’re pretty harmless as long as you’re far enough away. And if these larger machines come with an escort, always pick off the smallest robots first (excluding ticks, as you can just run from them and they don’t spawn naturally in fields), such as seekers, runners, or hunters, so you can get complete focus on the tank or harvester. :slight_smile:

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I’m just gonna link a YouTube video here which explains the weak spots on the tanks, so check out this guys channel because he does way more generation zero stuff!(

And no, this is not ‘Never Gonna Give You Up’ by Rick Astley, so don’t worry.

Keep in mind though, if the Tank has a Mortar attachment it can hit you behind cover. It seems splash-damage based so try to keep some kind of solid wall between you and where it lands.

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That’s right I forgot :smile:

My tip for urban area combat is remember slice the pie (aka slice corner). Making yourself less visible to multiple enemies.

Step away from the corner, back up couple step and start to move around the corner. You have more visibility but robots can see you only one at the time.

If you hug the corner and peek out and shoot, you are visible to all the robots. Slicing the corner limits your visibility to the enemy.


Or duck back behind the corner… and keep going… right around the building. The machine AI is pretty slow and you can usually empty a clip into a hunter’s back by flanking him while he’s focussed on the corner you WERE behind.


The same is true at a longer range for Tanks. You need a place where he can’t simply run up to you - behind a blockhouse with water between you and him is perfect. You back up from your cover and move fractionally until you can just see his eye and nothing else. From there it’s just patience and bullets, and eventually he will fall over. You can fire at his elbow and he’ll go down at last, but the eye takes less bullets…

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This is tactic what i also heavily rely. And is very good to know in this game.

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